Gao Zi said: "Nature is still turbulent, the East will flow eastward and the West will flow westward. There is no distinction between human nature and water. "
Mencius said, "Water and faith are inseparable from things. Molecular up and down? The goodness of human nature is even better than water. There is nothing wrong with people and there is nothing wrong with water. Today's water, jumping and jumping, can make it too hard; If you are excited, you can make it in the mountains. Is this the nature of water? Its potential is natural. People can be bad and their nature is still good. "
Gao Zi said: "Humanity is like a swift current. The gap in the east flows eastward and the gap in the west flows westward. Humanity doesn't care about good or bad, just as water doesn't care about east and west. "
Mencius said: "It really doesn't matter if the water flows from east to west, whether it flows upward or downward?" Human nature is good, just like water flowing downwards. There is no evil in human nature, and water flows downwards. Of course, if it is splashing water, it can be made higher than the forehead; Pressure forces it to retreat, which can make it flow up the mountain. Is this the nature of water? The situation forced it to do so. People can force them to do bad things, and natural changes are like this. "