China has a custom of offering sacrifices to horses since ancient times. Sacrificing Mazu in spring, grazing in summer, riding in autumn and looking at riding in winter. Mazu is the emperor of heaven, the horse star in the sky; Grazing is the first god who began to teach people to release their horses; The horse club is the land god in the stable; And Ma Ping is the god of horse disaster. Han people believe in horses, and farmers offer sacrifices on June 23rd of the lunar calendar. The sacrifice was a whole sheep.
Mongolian people have traditional festivals such as Horse Milk Festival and Horse Racing Festival, which are held every year at the end of August of the lunar calendar for one day. On this day, herders put on festive costumes, rode horses and brought koumiss to the designated place to prepare festive food. The horse race starts at sunrise, and the horse is a two-year-old pony. After the game, people took their seats, singing and drinking to their heart's content, accompanied by Ma Touqin. It was not until nightfall that people dispersed with their leisure. Wa people should feed glutinous rice to horses during the Spring Festival, and observe the posture of horses in the stable for good or ill luck. They think that facing east is an auspicious year and facing west is an unlucky sign.
The archaeological discovery of Chengziya in Longshan Town, Zhangqiu, Shandong Province proves that people have domesticated horses since the patriarchal clan commune. There is a record of "Xiangtu riding a horse" in many ancient books. Riding a horse means driving with four horses as a means of transportation.
In the northeast, there is the marriage custom of Han and Manchu stepping on the horse's foot. After the bride got off the bus, she stepped on the horse's foot and didn't touch the ground to avoid evil spirits. Miao people in Guizhou have the marriage custom of "proposing with swords". Young men and women fall in love, and after discussing marriage three times at home, they will formally propose marriage with swords on their backs.
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