Zeng Guofan's victory is a sign that he can't win. However, these years have been bumpy and hard. When success or failure is inevitable, we despair of life; When the danger is shocking, it will be folded every time. What he has learned does not change with life and death. Ancient famous officials sought loyalty to the country, but they were anxious about personnel. Zeng Guofan used to be an official in Beijing because he was particular about people. Rong Xuan, who is in trouble, pays special attention to the inspection. Although a material is a skill, it has not been recorded, but it has been created in many ways to become its material. Jiang Zhongyuan, Li and Liu Tenghong, who have been recommended over the years and are tangent to their usual loyalty, all died in the war; Taqibu, Li Xuyi, Xiao Jiesan and Jiang Zhongyi all died of hard labor, which were recorded in historical biographies. His shogunate, a guest, is biased towards soldiers, from a scholar to a major town, and his innocent choice to suppress chaos is also echoing in people's ears. Its painstaking efforts have made the military affairs unbeaten for a long time, and those who are versatile and not poor are taking Xiang Yong as a dry city to promote the vigorous wind of Huaihua Haosi.
After that, he laid a solid foundation and served in the south. The imperial court treated the generals with great hospitality and ordered them to be protected again and again. Zeng Guofan said, Xinjiang officials have the right to conquer, and should not be divided. They should guard against the gradual emphasis on the outside rather than the inside, and they should also be private parties on the Du Zhi side, so they should be prudent and far-sighted. Don't flatter yourself after meritorious service.
On the second day of April, Jinggang was defeated. Zeng Guofan blamed himself for poor scheduling and drowned himself three times. The pro-army rescue of the screen guest is free.
Remarks: Vote for Poyang Lake, Poyang Lake does not accept this little old man.
On December 18th, the first year of Xianfeng, the sufferings of Chen folk were relieved:
On the one hand, the price of silver is too high, and money and grain are unacceptable.
Second, there are too many thieves, and it is difficult for good people to be peaceful.
Third, there are too many unjust prisons, and people's anger is hard to stretch.
Remarks: It can be seen that after the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the prosperous times ceased, the society gradually became turbulent, and various contradictions gradually became acute. At this time, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement had not yet broken out.
December 19th of the first year of Pingyin Shu Pioneer.
The fixed price of the Ministry changes every year.
-Pay for soldiers outside Beijing should be paid.
-a library can also collect money if it inputs.
-set the land in the right township and collect money from the county.
-save money, and put money separately.
-reduce copper transportation and the price is high.
Remarks: I wrote a letter for two days, which is an urgent political matter. First, it shows that the problem is serious. After the middle period of the feudal dynasty, it was often because of the solidification of class interests that the economy and people's livelihood were stubborn and difficult to resolve. Second, during Zeng Guofan's early years as an official in Beijing, although his official position was not obvious, he dared not forget to worry about his country.
On June 12, 2003, Vice-General Qing De was appointed to Xian Feng.
On June 12, 2003, the temple of the Bulgarian general Tachibu Qianzong was folded in Xianfeng.
Remarks: Even after reading two books of my colleagues in one day, I know that the Manchu soldiers who entered the customs at the beginning can only eat meat and drink and visit the kiln now.
The second half of the first volume: from the third year of Xianfeng to the seventh year of Xianfeng, Ding Fu was worried.
Remarks: In the second half of the third year of Xianfeng, Zeng Guofan officially entered the armed forces, from assisting in training local armed forces to gradually becoming independent, and moved to Hunan, Hubei, Anhui and other provinces. During this period, all the contents of the manuscript include the victory or defeat of the battle, the judgment of the general trend, salary, gratitude to others, conscious reduction of crime, and even blaming yourself for not making achievements for a long time, that is, there is no word to cheer for yourself. At this stage, we can see that Zeng Guofan has gradually matured politically and gradually gained advantages in the military. However, he has never changed generals, because he is a Han Chinese. This shows that he has played many times, blamed himself, recommended talents, clearly rewarded and punished, and was afraid, which also shows the unity within the team. This can be compared with the changes during the Kangxi period and the recovery of various generals in Taiwan Province Province. On the eve of Zeng Guofan's father's death, Zeng Guofan's younger brothers also made contributions to the court, making the Zeng family rich.
From the contents written on the memorial, we can roughly see the repeated attacks of the Taiping Army and the wide range of attacks. According to the ratio of victory and defeat in the battle, it can be seen that at the battle level, the Taiping Army can still fight against the loyalist and fight back and forth. However, according to Zeng's strategic analysis, we can also know why Taiping Army is not as good as loyalist after all. As a strategist, he may only score 70 points, but as a leader, a leader with strategic vision, his score can exceed 85 points. It also happens that this person is particularly good at being a person and deserves the trust of senior leaders.
According to the Draft of Local Salaries, Recruitment and Appointment of Officials, the author thinks that although the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement caused countless sufferings in South China, it also destroyed the solidified interests of the original vested interests to a great extent, making the military class gradually become nouveau riche in the movement, thus actually alleviating the social contradictions after the middle of Qing Dynasty to some extent. Of course, according to statistics, hundreds of millions of people were killed or injured during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. I don't think anyone wants to redistribute class interests at this price.