I have five tenths, but I am determined to learn. Stand at thirty. Forty without confusion. You knew your destiny at the age of fifty. Sixty sounds good. Seventy, and do what you want, don't go too far. "
Confucius said, "At the age of fifteen, I am determined to be a university student." : 30 years old, learned etiquette, and behaved appropriately; At the age of forty, you can become a knowledgeable person without confusion; At the age of fifty, I learned the basic laws of the physics of Heaven. At the age of sixty, I can hear everything; At the age of 70, he can do whatever he wants and stay within the law. "
Interpretation: The average person's understanding is the ideal state of life that should be achieved at different stages of life. In fact, you should be 15 years old and interested in the establishment of the academic system; At the age of 30, you can establish the prototype of your own academic system; At the age of 40, you can fill the gap in your academic system; At the age of 50, you know that your academic system is so natural that it is difficult to fight bullfighting with others; At the age of 60, you know that your academic system is so much; At the age of 70, you should publicize your academic system; When you are questioned and asked for advice, you can explain your academic system from your inner desire.
Appreciation: In this chapter, Confucius tells about his study and cultivation. This process is a process of gradually improving the ideological realm with the growth of age. As far as the ideological realm is concerned, the whole process is divided into three stages: the age of fifteen to forty is the stage of learning and understanding; Forty to sixty years old is the stage of settling down, that is, the stage of being unaffected by the environment; Seventy years old is the stage of integration of subject consciousness and life rules. At this stage, moral cultivation has reached the highest level.