The process of bonding the spine is as follows:
After the pages are folded, smash the pages on the spine to a certain depth to facilitate the penetration of glue, and then apply glue to press them down. After this process is completed, wait for the back of the book to dry, and the binding step of the book is completed.
However, if the pages of a book are difficult to stick, and it is easy to drop the pages by milling glue directly on the back, then it is necessary to lock the thread first, then glue it, and then glue it, so as to improve the hardness of the spine. In addition, thick books need to be locked first.
Can a perfectly bound book be rebound? -in theory, it is possible! But the trouble is, consider whether the reserved rubber ridge is not deep enough, and the back of the book to be re-glued must also be flattened.