Constipation, what's wrong with your body?

Constipation refers to the abnormal conduction function of large intestine, which leads to constipation, prolonged defecation cycle, or short defecation cycle, but dry stool, difficult to discharge, or hard stool, but poor discharge. The main causes are improper diet, emotional imbalance, old age and infirmity, or exogenous pathogenic factors, which lead to gastrointestinal heat accumulation, qi stagnation, cold coagulation, qi and blood yin deficiency and so on. And cause constipation in intestinal conduction disorder.

The specific points are as follows:

1, improper diet: generally including overeating, spicy, fatty sweets, or eating raw and cold, leading to stagnation of yin and cold, gastrointestinal conduction loss leading to constipation;

2, emotional imbalance: generally due to worry or sedentary and less movement, qi stagnation can not be reached, large intestine imbalance can lead to adverse conduction, dregs can not go down, constipation;

3, old age and physical weakness: the elderly are usually weak or sick, postpartum, usually lack of blood, qi deficiency and large intestine are unable to conduct, blood deficiency and intestines are not moist, leading to dry stool;

4. Exogenous pathogens: Exogenous pathogens can lead to the accumulation of yin and cold in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the loss of intestinal conduction, and the dregs cannot descend to form constipation;

5, fever: after fever, the intestines are hot, consuming body fluids, and the large intestine is not nourished, resulting in dry stools.

Western medicine believes that functional constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or enteritis in convalescence, anorectal diseases, drugs, endocrine and metabolic diseases or difficulty in defecation caused by muscle weakness can all induce constipation.