What are the uses of word, excel and ppt?

WORD: General WORD work can be done in Word. For example, individuals write diaries, articles, compositions, papers, typesetting collections, books and magazines, and make resumes; The company produces company documents, company manuals, product manuals, brochures, envelope typesetting, etc. All kinds of text-based things can be made in WORD. -WORD is more common, and anything with words can be done in WORD. Even EXCEL tables can be put in WORD, and pictures and words can be mixed.

EXCEL: General table work can be done with EXCEL. For example, the finance department makes payroll, income and expenditure details and data statistical analysis; Teachers make student rosters and transcripts; Schools do teacher-student files; Individuals do bookkeeping, etc. All kinds of lists, logs, product catalogs, etc. Can be made in EXCEL. -EXCEL is suitable for similar and large data. It can analyze data rows and sum, calculate, summarize, count and analyze, and automatically generate charts. Its function is also quite powerful.

POWERPOINT: Mainly used for publicity, demonstration and explanation. For example, the courseware of the teacher's class; Company training course; Company report; Personal self-presentation and introduction; All kinds of introduction, promotion and advertisement can be made into PPT and presented to others with slides. -this is more intuitive. When many people want to watch it at the same time, PPT is the most suitable.

-These three softwares can be said to be used in office and life. Especially in the company, it is used almost every day: the purchasing department of the finance department uses EXCEL more; The administration and personnel department use WORD more; The propaganda department of the planning department prefers to use PPT for both the product department and the project department.