Greek-English story translation

When Achilles's parents got married, they forgot to invite the goddess Eris, so come the of the Golden Apple.

When Prince Paris of Troy grew up, he followed his dad's orders to greet his aunt in Athens, he fell in love with Helen at first sight, and stole Helen away, which (in turn) caused the Trojan War (10 years). All the gods supported one of the sides, Eros A Fuluo Teeter helped Troy , God melee and Athena supported Greece, the Gods and Mortals (human can also be used here, but Mortal, which is a mortal, is more formal) engaged in a mixed battle

The in turn can be added or not. Added it to make it smoother.

The names of the people have been checked, so they should be correct. It’s been a while since I learned anything about ancient Greece.

Manually translated, I hope it will be helpful to you!