When Confucius visited Mount Tai, he met Rong Qiqi, dressed in rags, but he sang while playing the piano and looked at himself at ease.
Confucius asked him, "Sir, why are you so happy?"
Rong Qiqi replied: "I am very happy: everything is born, and only people are expensive. I am very happy to be a man. The difference between men and women, men are superior to women, so men are more expensive; I am a man and I am two players. There are always people in life who can't see the sun and the moon and can't help being swaddled. I have been in business for 90 years and I am a three-happiness. "
Confucius nodded and said yes. He also said with regret: "If you are a talented teacher, you will be prosperous. Now you are ethereal and can't be used. It is still a pity. "
Who knows that Rong Qi said disapprovingly: "Throughout the ages, many literati have crossed the river like crucian carp, and only a few can make a fortune?" Poverty is the normal state of a scholar, and death is all the destination. I can wait for the final destination with peace of mind as a scholar. What is there to regret? "
Confucius listened and said, "Good! Those who can forgive themselves. " This is the allusion of "the contented are always happy". Contentment has become an attitude of people's philosophy of life.