When was Yizhoushu written?
The source of Yizhoushu is considered by Liu Xiang, Classic Spring and Autumn Annals and Liu Zhiji's Stone Tong to be Yu Ben who was abridged by Confucius. Now many people don't believe it, but they think it was compiled by the Warring States. Each chapter can be written in the Western Zhou Dynasty at the earliest and in the Warring States at the latest, and other individual chapters may be changed or added by the Han people. For example, in time training, rain is the qi of the first month and earthquake is the solar term in February, which is different from the calendar before the Han Dynasty. This book was incomplete in the Han Dynasty. Liu Xiang proofreads books, that is, 45 books are saved. Today, 60 copies have been handed down, and Gai has been adapted by later generations. Some people think that today's descendants of wilfred bungei combined the old version with Zhou Shu written by Ji Zhong between Jin Taikang, hence the name of Ji Zhong Zhou Shu. However, most people think it is a misunderstanding to call this version of Zhou Shuji Zhong Zhou Shu.