Brief introduction of Huiyang solid removal

Directory 1 Pinyin 2 Note 3 Reference Attachment: 1 Acupoints with the function of restoring yang and removing blood stasis 2 Prescriptions with the function of restoring yang and removing blood stasis 3 Chinese patent medicines with the function of restoring yang and removing blood stasis 4 Restoring yang and removing blood stasis in ancient books 1 Pinyin Huíyáng gütu??

Note: Huiyang Sanjie is one of the traditional Chinese medicine methods. Treatment of yang deficiency. Symptoms include sweating, vomiting, syncope in limbs, weak breathing and broken pulse. Acupuncture often takes Guanyuan, Qihai and Shenque (salt-separated moxibustion) and other points. Use big moxibustion, no matter how strong it is. Take sweating, limb temperature and pulse as degrees. [ 1]
