Is the lotus root ripe?

Lotus root is not easy to cook. I like to eat crispy lotus root and cook it for 2-5 minutes, and I like to eat powdered lotus root for 10 minutes. As for how long it takes to cook lotus root, it depends on the thickness of your knife and the size of lotus root. Secondly, the soup should be cut into thick slices until it turns purple and has no astringency. Buy that kind of fat lotus root with thick meat, so the stewed lotus root will be more pink.

The benefits of eating lotus root:

stop bleeding

Lotus root node contains tannic acid and vitamin K, which has the effect of contracting blood vessels. Fresh lotus root is cold, and it is mostly used to cool blood and stop bleeding. For nosebleeds, hemoptysis and blood in sputum, it can be decocted with fresh lotus root, fresh cogongrass rhizome water or raw arborvitae leaves.

Clear blood stasis

The ancient book says: "Lotus root juice can remove blood stasis. Therefore, eating raw lotus root or mashing juice wine can break blood and remove blood stasis, reduce swelling and detoxify. Chinese medicine believes that stopping bleeding without leaving blood stasis is a good dietotherapy method.

relaxing bowel

Lotus root is rich in dietary fiber and mucin, but its calories are not high, so it can control body weight, help reduce blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol levels, promote intestinal peristalsis, and prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

4. Anti-aging and cancer prevention

Vitamin C and polyphenols in fresh lotus root can improve immunity, delay aging and prevent cancer.