The four books refer to the Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius and Mencius. After reading the content, if you follow the usual behavior habits of Mr. Li Mian and his disciples, at least there will be no big problem in communicating with others outside. The knowledge about etiquette taught in it also refers to some etiquette norms that must be observed in officialdom. You did it. When you are an official outside, or in front of strangers, you will behave appropriately.
Of course, the content is very complicated, but all the powerful people in ancient times basically grew up eating ink. Reading can be wise. They can learn a lot, so they should learn a lot. What we learn at school now is basically some dead knowledge points, especially science, but after reading the four books and five classics, we will feel that it can solve many practical problems in life and work. For example, the golden mean will tell you to pay attention to one degree in everything you do. It is not good to fail to meet the standard, and it is not good to go too far. And some people are just too lazy or too diligent, so they will be very tired.
For example, Zhouyi, Shangshu, Book of Songs, Book of Rites and Zuo Zhuan in the Five Classics introduced divination, history, literature, poetry and etiquette, all of which were the crystallization of ancient wisdom. There must be great gains after reading it. Now what we learn is subject-oriented, and the main contents of ancient learning are basically contained in the Four Books and Five Classics. So I want to thank some Zhu for putting these essences together to facilitate the study of ancient scholars.