Gong Yue said, "Sacrifice jade, dare to add it, you must believe it." Yes, I said, "Small letter/unfulfilled, God/blessing." Qi Huangong said, "Small but big/prison, though/unobservable, must/have feelings." Yes, I said, "Loyalty belongs to you. Can/with the first world war. If you fight, please/obey. "
Male/multiply it. Fight with a spoon. Male/can play drums. He said, "Impossible." Qi people/three drums. He said, "Not bad." Strange stone/defeat. The public/generals will flock. He said, "Impossible." Go down/look at it, climb up/look at it/say, "Not bad." Sui/Zhu Qishi.
Both grams, public/ask the reason. Yes, he said, "It takes courage to fight. High spirits, then/and decline, three/and fatigue. He is exhausted/I am redundant, so/I can't help it. Husband/big country, unpredictable, afraid/hidden. I/see its chaos, hope/its flag is weak, so/chase it.
Vernacular translation:
In the spring of the tenth year of Duke Zhuang of Lu, the Qi army attacked our state of Lu. Duke Zhuang of Lu wanted to fight, and Cao Gui asked to meet Duke Zhuang of Lu. His fellow countryman said, "People in power will plan this. Why do you participate?" Cao Gui said: "People in power are short-sighted, so they can't think ahead." So he went to North Korea to see Duke Zhuang of Lu.
Cao Gui asked, "What are you fighting for?" Duke Zhuang of Lu said: "I never dare to keep food and clothing for health. I must give it to the ministers around me." Cao Gui replied: "This kind of small kindness can't spread to the people, and the people won't obey you."
Duke Zhuang of Lu said, "I never dare to exaggerate the number of sacrifices such as pigs, cows, sheep, jade articles and silk fabrics, but I must tell the truth to God." Cao Gui replied, "You can't win the trust of the gods for a small contribution. The gods won't bless you." Lv Zhuanggong said: "Even if I can't see all the litigation cases, I will make a reasonable judgment based on the facts."
Cao Gui replied, "That's what I did. You can fight a battle (with this condition). If you fight, please allow me to go with you. " Duke Zhuang of Lu and Cao Gui rode in the same car and fought against the Qi army in the ladle. Duke Zhuang of Lu will order drums to advance. Cao Gui said, "Not yet." Wait until the Qi army drums three times.
Cao Gui said, "You can beat the drums." The Qi army was defeated. Duke Zhuang of Lu wants to order horses to chase the Qi army. Cao Gui said, "Not yet." Say that finish, he got out of the chariot, looked at the trace of Qi's wheels, boarded the chariot again, propped up the crossbar in front of the chariot and watched the formation of Qi. He said, "We can pursue it." So I chased the Qi army.
After winning the battle, Duke Zhuang of Lu asked him why he won. Cao Gui replied: Fighting depends on morale. The first drum beating can boost the morale of soldiers, the second drum beating will start to hurt the morale of soldiers, and the third drum beating will exhaust the morale of soldiers. Their morale has disappeared, but the morale of our army is rising, so we beat them.
In a big country like Qi, it is difficult to speculate on their situation, for fear that they will have an ambush there. Later, I saw that the track of their wheels was chaotic and the flag fell, so I ordered to chase them. "
This article is taken from Zuo Qiuming's Debate on Cao Gui in the pre-Qin period.
Extended data writing background:
Cao Gui's argument comes from Zuo Zhuan's Ten Years of Zhuang Gong. This paper narrates his comments on this war in the Battle of Long Spoon, and the historical fact that he used the principle of "gathering, losing and exhausting" to repel the powerful Qi army in wartime.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi and Lu were neighbors, both in today's Shandong Province, Qi was in the northeast and Lu was in the southwest. In 697 BC, Qi Xianggong ascended the throne, and his decrees were impermanent. His younger brothers Xiao Bai and Gong Zijiu fled to Ju 'an and Lu 'an respectively. In the second year, Qi Xianggong was killed by Gongsun's ignorance. In the spring of the third year, the Qi people killed Sun Ignorant, and his son first returned to the State of Qi and proclaimed himself emperor.
Later, Duke Zhuang of Lu personally led the troops to escort the son back to China for a long time to compete for the throne. In August, Lu fought with Qi Shi, and the Lu army was defeated. Qi Huangong forced Duke Zhuang of Lu to kill Gong Zijiu. In the spring of the tenth year of Duke Zhuang of Lu, the State of Qi used the excuse that Lu had helped Gongsun Jiu to compete for the throne of Qi, and the two armies again confronted Lu. This is the battle of Qilu long spoon described in the article.
About the author:
Zuo Qiuming (502 BC-422 BC), surnamed Zuo, was named Qiu Ming (,Ming Ming), a native of Lu at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, and was a historian. Shi Heng Town, Feicheng City, Shandong Province. Zuo Qiuming is rich in ancient books such as astronomy, geography, literature and history.