The original text of Confucius' House:
Confucius was born in changping town, Shandong. First, the Song people also said that Confucius was against uncles. Prevent uncle from being born, but be born in Shu. Confucius was born in a wild relationship with Yan's daughter and prayed for Confucius in the mud hill. Duke Xiang of Lu was twenty-two years old and Confucius was born. It was first born in Ding Wei and was named Qiu Yun. Word, surname Kong.
Anthony wong and ge died and were buried in the mountains. The mountain is in eastern Shandong, so Confucius suspects his father's tomb and his mother is also taboo. Confucius played for the son and forbidden the army for the ceremony. The death of Confucius' mother was the funeral of his five fathers, so it was prudent to hide it. The man took his father's mother to teach Confucius's father to sweep the grave, and then they were buried together, just in case.
Confucius wants to do good things, his disciples, Confucius and the future. Yang hu said awkwardly, "Ji Jia is a scholar, but he dares to be a child." Confucius retired by reason.
Confucius was poor and cheap. And the dragon, the taste is history, and the material quantity is flat; Taste the interest of livestock as officials. The truth is a cliche. He defected to Lu, refused to join Qi, pursued Song, Wei, was sleepy and turned against Lu. Confucius was nine feet six inches long, and everyone called him a "long man". Is kind, so he opposes Lu.
Lu Jun said to Uncle Jing in Lunan Palace, "Please consult with Confucius." Lujun rode one of them, two horses and a vertical pole, which was just right for Li Wen Zhou to cover Lao Zi's cloud. Resignation, as well as from Laozi: "I heard that rich people give money and kind people words." I can't be rich, stealing the name of a benevolent person, and sending my son to say,' Smart, thorough and close to death, easy to discuss. Those who argue the broad masses are in danger, and those who are evil are also. The son should not have himself, and the minister should not have himself. "Confucius against lu zizhou, disciple benefit a little.
Confucius was thirty-five years old, but Ji and Zhai offended Lu with a chicken, and Zhao Gong led the troops to attack. Ping Zi, Montessori and Uncle Sun Shi attacked Zhao Gong, Zhao Gong was defeated and fled to Qi to work there. And then it got messy. Confucius is a high courtier, and he wants to communicate with him. I was having a good time with Qi Taishi, and I learned it when I heard Shao's voice. I don't know the taste of meat in March, so Qi people call it.
Duke Jing of Jin asked Confucius about politics, and Confucius said, "Jun Jun, minister, father and son." Gong Jing said, "Good! I believe that there is no monarch, no minister, no father, no son. Although I have millet, how can I eat it? " Another day, he asked Confucius about politics. Confucius said, "Politics means saving money." Gong Jing said that he was willing to seal Confucius with Nixitian. Yan Ying said: "Confucians, Confucians are funny and omnipotent; Proud and obedient, you can't be next; Mourning and mourning, bankruptcy and reburial, can not be vulgar; Lobbying for loans is not for the country. Due to the arrogance of saints, Zhou Shi declined, and there was insufficient ceremony and music. Today's Confucius is richly decorated, and his etiquette is numerous and meticulous. We can't learn from his past, nor can we learn from his manners. " If you want to use it to change customs, you must be careful with the people first. "From then on, Gong Jing respected Confucius very much and didn't ask his statecraft. One day, Duke Jing of Jin stopped Confucius and said, "I can't use the Ji family to serve my son. "Stay between Ji and Meng. Doctor Qi wanted to harm Confucius, and Confucius heard about it. Qi Huangong said, "I am old and can use it." Confucius followed suit, but it was Lu.
Confucius was forty-two years old, and Lu died in Ganhou, making it public. Five years of public service, in the summer, the son of Qi Ping died, and the son of Huan Li was established. Courtier Huan Zi said that Zhong Lianghuai was estranged from Yang. Yanghu tried to chase her, but Gongshan didn't stop her. In its autumn, it is arrogant. Huan Zi was very angry. Yang Hu imprisoned Huan Zi and made an alliance with him. Yanghu thus benefited from Ji. The Ji family also usurped the official position and accompanied the minister to govern the country, so people below Lu Zi usurped the right path. Therefore, Confucius retired from office and studied poetry, books, rituals and music. Many of his disciples came from afar, all of whom set foot in this industry.
For eight years, Gongshan was not proud of her family, and because of the Yang Hu rebellion, he wanted to abolish the three-ring fitness and even set up another person who was good at Yang Hu, so he praised her. Huan Zi cheated it and had to take it down. After nine years of public service, Yang was invincible and went straight to Qi. Confucius is fifty years old.
The public mountain does not pay for her family, making people call it Confucius. Confucius followed the Tao for a long time, never tried it, and could not use it for himself. He said, "Guy Wu Wen is rich and powerful. He is the king and the pickaxe. Although the cost today is small, it is almost moderate! " Lutz said nothing but longed to go to Confucius. Confucius said, "I am called by my husband, but I am not." ? If you use me, it's Eastern Week! "However, death is impossible.
Later, it was decided to use Confucius as the capital for a year, from all directions. From it all to sikong, from sikong to the big market.
After ten years of spring, it has resurfaced. In the summer, Li Yan, a doctor of the State of Qi, said to him, "It is used by Lu, and it is dangerous here." So that his kindness will be reported to Lu and he will be in the valley. Lou is also good at riding. Confucius said, "It is necessary for those who are literate and have military affairs." When the ancient princes went out of Xinjiang, there must be officials to follow them. Please bring your left hand and Uchijima. "Ding Gong said," promise. "With Sajima and Ujima. The meeting will be held in the valley, which will be the third kind of altar and the step of the earth. We will meet with the gift of meeting and give in to it. After the reward ceremony, Qiyou rushed in and said, "Please play the music of the Quartet." Gong Jing said, "Say yes." Then, with the noise of the crowd, Li, Yu, Li, spear, halberd, sword and dial all came. Confucius followed suit, climbing stairs, not equal. For example, he said, "My two gentlemen are good friends, so why not Yi Di? "! Please be responsible! "If you don't go, you will see this and Gong Jing. Gong Jing was depressed, so he left. After a while, Qi Yousi rushed in and said, "Please play the music in the palace." Gong Jing said, "Promise me." You advocate the dwarfing of drama. Confucius followed suit, climbing stairs, not equal. He said: "those who confuse the prince with ordinary people should be punished!" Please be responsible! " There are differences between brothers and sisters. Gong Jing moved in fear, but when he knew what was right, he came back in fear. He said to the ministers, "Lu used the way of a gentleman to assist the monarch, but Zi used the way of Yi Di to offend Lu Jun alone. What can we do?" A division leader said to him, "If a gentleman has it, he will thank it for its quality, and if a villain has it, he will thank it for its writing." Mourn it and you will thank the quality. "So Qi Hou Naigui thanked him for invading Lu Zhi, Wenyang and Yin Gui.
In the summer of the thirteenth year of Ding Gong, Confucius said to Ding Gong, "I have no hidden armor, and the doctor has no city." If Zhong You is killed by Kistler, it will fall to Sandu. So Uncle Sun Shi fell down first. Ji's family will be lost, and the public mountain can't be lost. Uncle Sun Tong led people to attack Lu. The male and the third son entered the Ji family hall and boarded the stage. It needs people to attack it, Fogg, and enter the public domain. Confucius ordered a verdict, and it was a waste of time to cut it down. China people chased them, but they were all defeated by the aunts. Two sons ran together, so they lost money. When it was about to fall, his father stopped Sun Meng and said, "When it falls, Qi people will go to the north gate. And success, the guarantee of Montessori, nothing is Montessori. I will fall down. " December, public circle, Falk.
Ding was fourteen years old, and Confucius was fifty-six. It was a happy occasion for a big scout to take pictures. The master said, "A gentleman is not afraid of disasters, but a villain is not happy." Confucius said, "Keep your word. Didn't you say,' I'm happy to treat you as a servant'? " Therefore, Dr. Lu's confusion is getting less and less. With the news of the national government in March, the porridge lamb dolphin was decorated with Jia; Men and women walkers are different from painting; Don't pick up the remains; Guests from all directions who came to the city didn't want to have a division, so they all went home.
The Qi people were frightened. They said: "Confucius will dominate politics, and hegemony is very close to our land, so I will take the lead." What's so scary? " Li Yan said: "Please try it first; If you can't get down, you will get down on the ground. It's too late! " So he chose 80 women from the State of Qi, all dressed and dancing happily, and 30 horses, leaving lujun behind. Chen Nv's music is written outside the high gate in the south of Lucheng, and she will accept it when Ji goes to see it incognito again and again. So she said that lujun was running away, watching all day and being lazy in politics. Lutz said, "the master can do it. Confucius said, "Lu is now in the suburbs." If it is a doctor, I can still stop. "Huan Zi died of Qi Nv Le and refused to listen to politics for three days; Suburban, but not a doctor. Confucius went there and stayed there. So the teacher sent him and said, "The teacher is innocent. Confucius said, "Where is my Gokov?" Song said, "A woman can run away from her mouth; A woman's admiration will be defeated by death. "It's easy to live in luxury and die well!" When the teacher rebelled, Huan Zi said, "What did Confucius say?" The teacher told the truth. Huan Zi sighed in shame and said, "Master, it is sinful for me to marry a group of maids as my husband!" "
Confucius then changed his mouth to defend himself, mainly because of the Zou family of his wife and brother. Wei Linggong asked Confucius: "Ju Lushi geometry?" Yes, he said, "I'll give you 60 thousand yuan." Who also caused Xiaomi 60 thousand. Living in the Qing Dynasty, or living with Confucius in Wei Linggong. Gong Sunyu, the spiritual minister, went out and entered. Confucius lived in October and went to Wei for fear of being convicted.
Carve Chen Shi, Guo Kuang and Yan Yan as servants, and use their strategies to say, "I am in need here." Hearing this, Kuang people thought it was Lu Zhiyang's tiger. Yanghu tastes Kuang people, Kuang people stop Confucius. The Confucius-style Yang Hucheng was detained for five days. After Yan Yuan, Confucius said, "I think you are dead." Yan Yuan said, "If I were here, how dare I die!" Kuang people are anxious to detain Confucius, and his disciples are afraid. Confucius said, "If there is no king of literature, there is no literature."? The sky will lose sven, and the deceased will not be sven. " What if you don't lose your manners? "Confucius made followers servants of Ningwu, and then had to go.
If you go, you will pass through Pu. For more than a month, it was Wei's home. If Mrs. Gong Ling has a Nanzi, people will call him Confucius: "A gentleman of all directions does not disgrace his desire to be a brother to a widowed gentleman, but to see him." My widowed husband wants to see you. "Confucius politely declined to see again. Madame is in the curtain. Introduction to Confucius, kowtowing in the north. Madame bowed from the curtain again, and the ring was full of jade. Confucius said, "My hometown is a Buddhist temple. How can I respond to it? "Lutz didn't say. Confucius said, "God hates it if you want to do nothing! I hate it! "After staying, Gong Ling and his wife took a bus together, and Guan Yongqu also took part in the bus trip, making Confucius ride two times to show off the city. Confucius said, "I have never seen the virtue of lewdness. "So ugly, go to wei, go to cao. At the age of, Lu Ding died.
Confucius went to Cao Songshi and studied under the tree with his disciples. Song Sima Huan wanted to kill Confucius and uproot his tree. Confucius has gone. Disciple said, "You can hurry." Confucius said, "If you are born with virtue, you want to give it!"
Confucius was in the throne and lost contact with his disciples. Confucius is independent of Guo Dongmen. Zheng Ren or Zi Gong said, "There are people at the east gate, which are like Yao, neck and shoulders, not less than three inches. I am as tired as a lost dog. " Zi Gong told Confucius with truth. Confucius smiled happily and said, "Form is not an end." It's like a lost dog, but it is! Of course! "
Confucius went to Chen and lived in Zhenzi's home in Sicheng. A falcon gathered in Chen Ting and died. The arrow is penetrating, the stone is shallow, and the arrow is long and straight. Minister Chen Kui asked Zhong Ni. Zhong Ni said, "Falcon has come a long way, so it is a careful arrow. In the past, the king of Wu was a businessman, who believed in all kinds of things and asked everyone to pay bribes from his own side, so that he would never forget his career. So, pay tribute to the arrow stone, long feet. The first king wanted to show his virtue, so he divided the big girls with cautious arrows, and sealed the Chen in case of danger. The same surname is divided into expensive jade to show relatives; Put different surnames in distant posts, so that you will never forget to serve. " Therefore, we should express our views cautiously. "Try to find a house, and you will get it.
Confucius lived in Chen when he was three years old. He will fight for power and attack Chen even more. When Wu invaded Chen, Chen was often attacked. Confucius said, "Go home! Return to! The boy in our party is crazy and simple, and he will never forget the beginning of his progress. " So Confucius went to Chen.
After passing through Pu, I met Uncle Pu, and the Pu people stopped Confucius. Disciple took Ruligang Gong and set off from Confucius' house five times by private car. He was virtuous and brave, and said, "I was killed by Master Kuang Cong, and now I am killed here." "If Master and I die again, we would rather fight to the death." The fight was fierce. The Pu people were afraid and called Confucius: "If you are not suitable for life, I will live." Make an alliance with it and leave the east gate of Confucius. Confucius then adapted to defend himself. Zi Gong said, "Is the alliance fantastic?" Confucius said, "If you want to form an alliance, God will not listen."
When Wei Linggong heard about Confucius, he was very happy. He asked, "Can Pu be cut?" Yes, "yes." Gong Ling said, "My doctor thinks so." So why did Pu and Wei treat Jin and Chu, and why did they attack them? "Confucius said," His male has the ambition to die, while his female has the ambition to protect Xihe River. "I only laid off four or five people." Gong Ling said, "Very good." But don't cut it.
Gong Ling is old and lazy in politics. There is no Confucius. Confucius sighed in shame: "You are useful to me. It only takes one month and three years to succeed." A trip to Confucius.
The Buddha was killed by Zhong. Attack Fan and Bank of China, and behead Zhongmou. Around the Buddha, people call him Confucius. Confucius wants to go. Lutz said, "from the masters,' it's not good to take your own flesh, and gentlemen don't enter.'" Now Buddha's relatives are near Zhongmou, and my son wants to go. So what? Confucius said, "What you say is what you say. Not hard, grinding without phosphorus; Don't put it bluntly, nirvana is not good. "Why don't you eat a melon?"
Confucius struck clear. The man who entered the door said, "How thoughtful! What a blow! It' s so embarrassing, I don' t know if I am a husband! "
The drummer and violinist Confucius left for ten days. Shi Xiangzi said, "Yes." Confucius said, "Qiu learned his songs, but not much." Once, he said, "I learned to count, and I can benefit from it." Confucius said, "Autumn didn't succeed." Once, he said, "I have learned my ambition and I can benefit from it." Confucius said, "There is no one in autumn." On one occasion, he said, "Some people are thinking deeply about Mu Ran, while others are looking forward to it." He said: "Qiu is a man, gloomy and deep, but a few days long, with eyes like sheep, like the king of the four countries." No one can do this except Wen Wang! " Shi Xiangzi gave up his seat, bowed again and said, "Master Gaiyun's Wang Ye."
Confucius, who is not allowed to defend himself, will see Zhao Jianzi in the west. As for the river, I heard about the death of Dou Shunhua, and I sighed by the river: "The water is beautiful and magnificent!" If this mountain is not good enough, it will kill you! "Zi Gong rushed in," you dare to ask what is it? Confucius said: "Dou and Shun Hua are wise men in Jin State. When Zhao Jianzi didn't succeed, the two men had to enter politics; And he has achieved success, and it is politics that kills it. Qiu Wen also said that when the unicorn is stillborn, it will not reach the suburbs, and the dragons will not be in harmony with Yin and Yang, and the phoenix emperor will not fly when the nest is destroyed. What is this? A gentleman dare not hurt his kind. "Husband, birds and beasts still don't know injustice, but the situation is quite hilly!" However, I still feel sorry for my hometown, and I mourn that it is "Cao Cao". Instead of looking for Wei, he went to his home.
One day, Gong Ling asked Chen Bingde. Confucius said, "You can taste and smell the cowpea, but you can't learn the army." Talk to Confucius tomorrow, see a famous goose, look up, and the color is not Confucius. What Confucius did was as good as Chen.
In the summer, Wei Linggong died and Sun Wei was appointed to serve the public. In June, Prince Zhaoyang died. Yanghu made the prince die, eight people failed, and those who pretended to defend themselves cried, so they lived in seclusion. In winter, Cai moved to Zhangzhou. Lu Aigong is three years old, while Confucius is sixty years old. Qi helped Wei surround Qi to defend the prince.
In autumn, Ji was ill. When he saw Lucheng, he sighed and said, "This country used to be very prosperous. Because I was convicted by Confucius, I was not prosperous. " Gu said that his successor Kang Zi said, "If I die, I will have enemies; Lu Xiang will call Zhong Ni. A few days later, Huan Zi died, and Kang Zi stood up for him. Has been buried, want to call Zhong Ni. The fish of the public said, "In the past, the predecessors used it endlessly, but they eventually laughed at the princes." I'm using it again now, but I can't stop. I'm smiling for the princes again. "Kang Zi said," Who can make a phone call? " He said, "Ranqiu must have confessed." So the special envoy was called Taiwei Ran. Ran Qiu would do it, and Confucius said, "When the people of Lu asked for help, it was not a small use, but a great use. "On that day, Confucius said," That's all! The boys in our party are crazy, simple and talented. I don't know why I cut him. Zi Gan knew that Confucius was homesick and sent him to Ran Qiu, because he said, "Use it at once, and take Confucius as a move.".
Ran Qiu went, and the following year, Confucius moved from Chen to Cai. Cai will be like Wu and Wu. Before Zhao Gong bullied his ministers to move to the state, the doctor dared not move any more, and Sun insisted on shooting Zhao Gong. Chu invaded Cai. In autumn, Qi Jinggong passed away.
Confucius will be Cai Ruye next year. When Lord Ye asked about politics, Confucius said, "Politics is far from you." One day, Lord Ye asked Confucius about Lutz, but Lutz answered irrelevant questions. Confucius heard this and said, "Then, why don't you say to him,' He is also a human being, tireless in learning, tireless in teaching, angry and forgetting food, happy and forgetting worries, and ignorant of old age'?"
Removing leaves is the opposite of Cai. Living in a dragon's house and drowning, coupled with farming and the seclusion of Confucius' thoughts, made Lutz not interested in anything. It is often said: "Who is the ruler?" Lutz said, "For Kong Qiu." He said, "Is it with Lu?" Said, "Of course." He said, "I know Tianjin." Jie drowned and asked, "Who is Zi?" He said: "This is a secondary reason." Say, "Son, where are Kong Qiu's followers?" Said, "Of course." Jie drowned and said, "Although idle people are in the world, who can change them?" ? "Why don't you follow the person who created the world, but follow the person who created the world?" Without stopping. Lutz told Confucius that Confucius suddenly said, "Birds and beasts cannot be in the same group." There are roads in the world, but hills are not easy. "
Another day, while walking on the road, I met He Fu and asked, "Have you seen the master?" Grandfather-in-law said, "Who is the master if you don't work hard and don't divide the grain?" The staff who planted it didn't succeed. Lutz said to Confucius, "Hermits are also hermits." If you go back, you will die.
Confucius moved to Cai at the age of three, and Wu cut Chen. Chu saved Chen, and the army was in the city. It is said that Confucius was between Chen and Cai, and Chu made people hire Confucius. Confucius was going to pay homage, and Dr. Chen and Dr. Cai said, "The sages of Confucius were all laughed at by the governors. "This person long expects that between Chen and Cai, all the actions of the doctor are not the original intention. Today, Chu, a big country, has come to hire Confucius. "If Chu uses Confucius and Chen and Cai use doctors, it will be dangerous." So he took his disciples and surrounded Confucius in the wild. No thread, no food. If the follower is ill, he can't succeed. Confucius never forgot to recite string songs. Xun said, "Is a gentleman poor?" Confucius said, "A gentleman is poor, but a villain is poor."
Zi Gong left Confucius and said, "Give, and I give to the knower to learn more?" Said, "of course. Isn't there? " Confucius said, "No .. give it a consistent one."
Confucius knew that his disciples had a strong heart, so he called Luz and asked, "The Book of Songs says,' Bandits and tigers led them into the wilderness'. Isn't my way evil? What am I doing here? " Lutz said, "I'm not a matter of opinion, isn't it? I believe in people's opposition. I don't know. Evil? Otherwise, people will go their own way. " Confucius said, "Yes! By analogy, the benevolent will believe, and there will be Boyi and Shu Qi. " If you know what to do, you will do it. How can a prince compare with you? "
Luz goes out, Zigong comes in. Confucius said, "Give, the poem says,' Bandits kill tigers and lead the wilderness'. Isn't my way evil? What am I doing here? " Zi Gong said, "The master's way is too great for the world. Master, how can you criticize me? " Confucius said, "In view of this, a good farmer can plow without precision, and a good worker can be skillful without slipping. A gentleman can cultivate his way, regulate his way and unify his way, but not tolerate his way. Today, I don't want to build my road, but I want to be tolerant. Pay, but ambition is not far away! "
Zi Gong went out and Yan came back to see him. Confucius said, "Hui, the poem says,' Bandits kill tigers and lead them into the wilderness'. Isn't my way evil? What am I doing here? " Yan Hui said, "The way of the master is so great that the world can't tolerate it. Although, the master pushes, no illness, no gentleman! It is my ugliness not to cultivate my husband's morality. Husband's road has been overhauled, no need, this is the ugliness of people with countries. Never meet a gentleman without illness! " Confucius said, "There is a son of Yan! If I make more money, I will kill you. "
So Zigong was named Chu. King Zhao of Chu invited Confucius and was later excused.
Zhao Haoqi will seal Confucius with a 700-mile bookstore. Chu ordered Yin Zi to say to Xi, "Does the king make vassals pay tribute?" Said, "Nothing." "Does Wang's assistant look like Yan Hui's?" Said, "Nothing." "Is the king's general rate as good as his son?" Said, "Nothing." "Is Yin, the official of the king, like a tyrant?" Said, "Nothing." "And the ancestor of Chu was sealed in Zhou, and the song was in the south of Wuli. Today's three-to-five method is called for next week's industry. If Wang Re uses it, how far is Chu An in the world? The king of prose is in abundance, the king of Wu is in axe, and the king of a hundred miles is the king of the world. "It's a blessing to learn from the earth today, with the help of Chu's sage disciples." Wang Zhao is the only one. In autumn, King Zhao of Chu died in Chengfu.
Chu praised Confucius with a crazy song, saying, "Phoenix is like a phoenix, why does morality decline?" Don't remonstrate with the past, you can still chase after the coming! "It's time, it's time, today's politicians are in danger!" Confucius wants to talk to him. "Go away," said Ford.
So Confucius turned from Chu to Wei. Confucius was sixty-three years old and Lu Aigong was six years old. Next year, Wu Helu will be imprisoned. Taizai howled JiKangZi. Kang Zi sent Zi Gong, and then he got it himself.
Confucius said, "Lu Wei Zhiguo is a brother." At that time, Wei Jun's father couldn't stand it, and when he was away, the vassal thought he would let him. Most of Confucius' disciples were officials in Wei, and Wei Jun wanted Confucius to be the government. Lutz said, "Wei Jun takes the son as the government, and the son must learn it first?" Confucius said, "It must make sense!" Lutz said, "Yes, I am. My son is pedantic!" " How is it right? Confucius said: "Wild is wild! If the husband's name is irregular, the words will not go smoothly, and the words will not go smoothly. Words are not fluent, music is not happy, and punishment is not correct. A gentleman must be named, and his words must be feasible. "A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with."
Next year, Ran Youyou will be the master of Ji family, fighting with Qi in Lang. Ji Kangzi said, "What did my son learn from the army? What about sex? " You Ran said, "Learning belongs to Confucius." Ji Kangzi said, "What kind of person is Confucius?" There are: "famous for its use; The people who broadcast are ghosts and gods, with no regrets. " As for this, the workload is great, but it is not good for the master. "Kang Zi said," I want to call it, but what? "He said," If you want to call it, you don't have to use a villain to fix it. "And Kong Wei Wen Zi will attack my uncle and ask about the policy in Zhong Ni. Zhong Ni didn't know what to say, so he retired and went on with his life. He said, "Birds can choose wood, and wood can choose birds!" " Wen Zi stopped. During the meeting, Kang Zi drove away the crowds, guests and forests, welcomed Confucius with money, and Confucius returned to Lu.
Confucius went to Lv Fan and turned to Shandong at the age of fourteen.
Lu Aigong asked about politics and said to him, "Politics is the election of ministers." When Ji Kangzi asked about politics, he said, "If all grievances are raised directly, the wrongdoers will be straight." When Kang Zi was robbed, Confucius said, "If Gou Zi doesn't want to be robbed, he won't steal." However, Lu could not use Confucius in the end, and Confucius did not want to be an official.
Confucius' weekly room was small, but his rites and music were abolished, and his poems and books were scarce. Tracing back to the ceremony of three generations, the sequence is "Book Biography", from Tang, Yu to Qin Miao. Yue: "I can say Xia Li, but I can't prove it." Yin can talk, but Song is not smart enough. If it is enough, then we can levy it. "Looking at the gains and losses of Yin and Yang, it is said:" Although the afterlife can be known forever, it is a matter of one article and one quality. Zhou Jian's second generation is pessimistic. I am from Zhou. "Therefore, the book Biography and the Book of Rites are both from Confucius.
Mr. Lu of Confucius said: "Music is knowable. From the beginning, it was as pure as vertical, as simple as simple, and as deductive. " "I guard against Lu, and then I am happy, and Ya Song is in his place."
There are more than 3,000 poems written by the ancients. When it comes to Confucius, it is necessary to get rid of the key points, take the proper way and apply it to etiquette. The prosperity of Yin and Zhou Dynasties, as well as the lack of seclusion and perfection, all started from banquets. Therefore, some people say that the Guanluo rebellion began in Feng. The 350 "Confucius" are all string songs, in order to combine the voices of Shao, Wu, Ya and Song. Rites and music can be described from now on, preparing for the king and becoming the six arts.
Confucius later liked Yi, Preface, Bi, Xi, Xiang, Shuo Gua and classical Chinese. The three works compiled by Reading Yi and Wei have their own characteristics. Said, "Leave me for a few years. If so, I will be soft and easy. "
Confucius taught poetry, calligraphy, etiquette and music, and his disciple Gai Yan was 3,000. Two of them were proficient in six arts. Such as Zou's disciples, are well received by the industry.
Confucius taught four things: literature, action, loyalty and faith. Absolute four: no intention, no ambition, no reality, no ego. Caution: Qi, war and illness. Zi Han talks about interests, life and kindness. If you don't get angry, don't start work, don't take a dime, don't take a triangle, and you will recover.
Confucius said, "Khufu Khufu, a gentleman is ill and nameless. I can't do it. Why do I want to see myself in the afterlife? " It's because the historical records are the Spring and Autumn Annals, from Yin Gong to Ai Gong for fourteen years and twelve years. According to Lu, pro-Zhou, so Yin, three generations of luck. By what he said, he meant Bo. Therefore, King Wu Chu claimed to be the king, and Chunqiu was demoted to "Zi". In fact, the meeting of practicing soil is called Zhou Tianzi, and Spring and Autumn Annals says that "the heavenly king was born in Heyang": pushing this kind of rope and living in the world. The derogatory meaning was later opened by the king. The righteous act of "Spring and Autumn Annals" made the traitors in the world frightened.
Confucius is in charge of hearing the lawsuit, and his words are unique to others. As for the Spring and Autumn Annals, a pen is a pen, and cutting is cutting. People in summer are full of praise. Disciples collected the Spring and Autumn Annals, and Confucius said, "The Spring and Autumn Annals are used by those who know hills in later generations, and also by those who sin hills."
Confucius is ill. Please look at Zigong. Confucius lingered at the door on crutches and said, "Hey, are you late?" Confucius sighed and sang, "Mount Tai is bad! The beams and columns are destroyed! The philosopher is dying! " Because of tears. Died seven days later.
Confucius was seventy-three, and Lu Aigong died in April of the sixteenth year.
Taishi Gong said: There is a saying in the Book of Songs: "The mountain is high and the scenery stops." Although I can't go back to the era of Confucius, I am very yearning for it. I read Kong's books, so I can see him. Temples, cars, clothes and ritual vessels are all suitable for Lu. All the students send them to their homes politely, but the rest can't go to the clouds. There are many kings and saints in the world, before and after Dou Rong's death. Confucius is a civilian, and by more than ten generations, people who study have respected him. Since the emperor and the vassal, China's words and six arts have compromised with the master, which is most holy!