There are four years in The Biography of the Ram: Fourteen Years of Mourning for the Duke. In spring, the west will get the forest.
Why do you make a reservation? Remember the difference. Hoyle? Not the beast of China. But who is hunting it? So is the working class. What do you think of the inaugural address? It's great, too Is it big? In order to achieve great success. To win great achievements? Our people are kind animals. There is a king, but there is no king. Someone told him, "There are horns." Confucius said, "Who's coming? Why do you want to come! " Wipe your face with tears and robes. When Yan Yuan died, Confucius said, "Alas! The sky is lost. " When Luz died, Confucius said, "Hey! God bless you. " Confucius said, "I am poor!" Why did the Spring and Autumn Period begin to be hidden? What our ancestors heard, saw, heard and heard. Why did you mourn for fourteen years in the end? Say, "Get ready!" Do gentlemen think it's spring and autumn? Set things right, do the opposite, close to its spring and autumn. So is it and is also unknown? What is the pleasure of a gentleman and the way of Yao and Shun? After all, it is an honor to know a gentleman like Yao Shun. It is also a kind of enjoyment to make the meaning of spring and autumn as soon as possible and be a gentleman.