Away from the Three Families: During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was civil strife in Jin State, and Jin Xiangong's son Zhong Er fled to Chu State. King Chu Cheng took him in and entertained him. He promised that if there was a war in Chu Jin, the Jin army would retreat from three houses (one in Sanli). Later, Zhong Er returned to the State of Jin with the help of Qin Mugong. The state of Jin supported the struggle between Song and Chu, and the two armies met in Chengpu. Zhong Er avoided, lured the enemy in and won.
2. "A blockbuster": It is said that Chu Zhuangwang (another name is Qi Weiwang) has been in politics for three years, playing all day and turning a blind eye to state affairs. A courtier said to Zhuang Wang, "I heard that there is a big bird in the countryside that doesn't fly for three years and doesn't sing for three years. What's wrong? " Zhuang Wang said: "This bird can fly without flying, and it will soar in the sky;" It will be a blockbuster if you don't sing. " Then, we will rectify state affairs, enrich Qiang Bing, and form a situation of great governance in just a few years.
3. Taste the courage: During the Spring and Autumn Period, Fu Cha, the king of Wu, defeated and captured Gou Jian, the king of Yue. Gou Jian fed the horse for three years and was tortured. After returning home, he decided to take revenge and rejuvenate the country. He asked Fan Li to help train the army, hire talents, take part in labor by himself, and insist on sleeping on firewood. He tasted courage before every meal, and finally destroyed Wu.
4. On paper: During the Warring States Period, Zhao She, a general of Zhao State, defeated the invading Qin Jun with fewer troops and was promoted to the top by King Huiwen of Zhao. He has a son named Zhao Kuo, who has been familiar with the art of war since childhood and loves to talk about military affairs. People often say that he is not.
So he is arrogant and thinks he is invincible in the world. However, Zhao She was very worried about him, thinking that he was just an armchair strategist, and said, "In the future, Zhao doesn't need him as a general. If you use him as a general, Zhao Jun will be defeated. "
Sure enough, in 259 BC, when he attacked again, Zhao insisted on resisting the enemy in Changping (now near Gaoping County, Shaanxi Province). Zhao was already dead at that time. Lian Po is in charge of commanding the whole army. Although he is old, he still has a good way of fighting, which makes Qin Jun unable to win. Knowing that it was not good for him to drag on, the State of Qin used double agents to send people to Zhao to spread the news of "General Zhao Kuo, the son of Zhao She, which Qin Jun was most afraid of".
The prince of Zhao was cheated and sent Zhao Kuo instead of Lian Po. Zhao Kuo thought he was good at fighting, and moved all the articles in Sun Tzu's Art of War to the dead. After Changping, he completely changed Lian Po's battle plan. As a result, more than 400,000 Zhao troops were completely annihilated, and he himself was shot by Qin Jun?
5. "The old horse knows the way": In the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi Huangong led troops to repel the invasion of Shan Rongguo at the request of Yan State; The Milu, the king of Shanrong, fled to the lonely bamboo country to ask for reinforcements, and Guan Zhong followed Qi Huangong to defeat the reinforcements of the lonely bamboo country. On the way back to China, Qi Jun was trapped by a fake guide's agency. Guan Zhong suggested using an old horse to lead the way to save the day.