Are there any China people in the Vatican? Are there many China people in the Vatican?

1. The Vatican does not recognize one China, and it is one of the few countries that have not yet established diplomatic relations with China. China has no diplomatic relations with the Vatican, so it is impossible for China people to live there. But every year, some China people still pass by the Vatican for religious exchanges, tourism and other reasons.

2. Vatican city-state (Latin: StatusCivitatisVaticanae;; Italian: StatodellaCittàdelVaticano), referred to as "Vatican", is an inland city-state located in the highland in the northwest corner of Rome, Italy. It is also the country with the smallest territory and the least population in the world, with a land area of only 0.44 square kilometers. Because it is bordered by Italy on all sides, it is called "China". It is the center of Catholicism in the world-the seat of the Holy See headed by the Pope, and the belief center of one sixth of the world's population.