? Yu Xi, courtesy name Zhongning, was from Yuyao, Kuaiji, and a clansman of Guangluqing Yutan. His father, Yu Cha, was the general of the Wu Kingdom. Yu Xi was very virtuous when he was young, well-read and fond of ancient books. When Zhuge Hui was in charge of Kuaiji County, Yu Xi became a meritorious official. Recommended as Xiaolian, recommended by the state as a scholar, Situ came to recruit, but Yu Xi did not go. When Emperor Jin Yuan began to rule Jiangdong, someone recommended Yu Xi. After Emperor Huai of the Jin Dynasty came to the throne, he sent a public car to recruit and confer Yu Xi as a doctor, but Yu Xi did not go to his post. He Xun, a fellow countryman of Yu Xi, was Sikong, a distinguished senior. Every time he stayed at Yu Xi's house, he would forget to go home for a day or two, saying that Yu Xi was unpredictable.
In the Taining year, both Yu Xi and Ren Xu, a native of Linhai County, were recruited as doctors and did not go to their posts. The emperor also issued an edict saying: "To revitalize education and contribute to state affairs, it is best to respect moral education and clarify the principles of modesty and simplicity. Since the Shang Dynasty, Confucianism has declined. Whenever I read the Japanese poems of "Zi Jin", I always sigh with emotion. Absolutely. Ren Xu from Linhai and Yu Xi from Kuaiji have a high moral character and have not changed in the dangerous years. They study ancient classics diligently, but today they are able to fulfill the morals of the ancients. Their ambition and ethics are enough to inspire the world, and their extensive knowledge is enough. To clarify the truth, although they did not come to answer the call a few days ago, they will be recruited again with the doctor's position." Yu Xi declined the appointment on the grounds of illness. In the last years of Xianhe, Emperor Shao ordered his ministers to recommend virtuous, upright and outspoken people. Taichang Huaheng recommended Yu Xi as a virtuous person. It happened that there was a war in the country and it was not implemented. In the early years of Xiankang, the internal historian He Chongshangshu said: "I heard that after recommending talented people, the four doors of the Mingtang will be solemn. If ministers with the ability to govern the country are appointed, the world will be peaceful and the way of goodness will be clear. This has its origin. Nowadays, if the Holy Virtue wants to carry forward its achievements for eternity, it is necessary to organize the carriages and horses for recruiting talents. I heard that the former virtuous Yu Xi was talented, pure and simple. He is noble and above the world, restrains his behavior, establishes his virtue, and does not tire of it even when he is old. In addition, he has a profound knowledge, a profound knowledge, a strong memory, and a deep and mysterious knowledge. His diligence is unparalleled, and he is in peace. The place where people understand the truth and have no intention of being an official, resting in peace and contentment in Chaimen, it is best to use a pulley to commend outstanding conduct. On the one hand, it can carry forward far-reaching teachings, and on the other hand, it can change. "Despicable customs." The emperor issued an edict and said: "Zhai Tang from Xunyang and Yu Xi from Kuaiji both abide by the rules, are pure and honest, do not engage in worldly affairs, and concentrate on studying. Their moral integrity is comparable to that of the ancients. Although there was an edict to recruit him, they did not bow down. Is this a sign of etiquette and neglect because white silk cloth cannot be dyed? The implementation of political strategies requires talented people, and they should be recruited to the imperial court. This is Both of them were recruited as regular servants of Sanqi. "Yu Xi did not accept the order.
In the early years of Yonghe, relevant officials reported that during the October Festival, the Lord of Jingzhao Prefecture should move to the ancestral temple. The Lords of Zhengxi, Yuzhang, and Yingchuan Prefectures just lacked community leaders, and extensive internal and external discussions could not make a decision. . Yu Xi was in Kuaiji at that time, and the imperial court sent people to Yu Xi's place to inquire. That's how he was valued.
Yu Xi concentrated on studying the classics and biographies, and also studied the prophecies and Weishu. He wrote "An Tian Lun" to challenge the two celestial bodies theories of Hun Tian and Gaitian. He also explained "Mao Shilue" and commented on "Xiao Xiao". Sutra" and authored thirty chapters of "Zhilin". The annotation has hundreds of thousands of words and is popular in the world. He died at the age of seventy-six without any sons. The younger brother Yu Yu has another biography.
1. "Book of Jin" is one of the Twenty-Four Histories of China, co-authored by Tang Fangxuanling and others, with twenty-one authors.
2. The recorded history starts from the early years of Sima Yi during the Three Kingdoms period, down to the second year of Yuanxi, the second year of Emperor Gong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, when Liu Yu deposed the Jin emperor and established himself, establishing the Song Dynasty as the Jin Dynasty.
3. The book also describes the status of the political power of the sixteen countries in the form of "records".
4. The original narrative and table of contents are in one volume each, including ten volumes of imperial chronicles, twenty volumes of chronicles, seventy volumes of biographies, thirty volumes of records, and one hundred and thirty-two volumes. Later, the narrative examples and catalog were lost, but now there are 130 volumes.