Ten: When you visit Zhong, you will be a very loyal thief. Second, if you care about small profits, you will be fettered by big profits. Third, personal use does not matter, rude, and you will die. Fourth, if you don't listen to the rules and are good at five tones, you will be poor. Fifth, greed leads to national subjugation and self-destruction. Six, indulge in female music, regardless of national politics, but also the disaster of national subjugation.
Seventh, it is dangerous to go out for a long trip and suddenly ignore the exhorter. Eight words, not listening to loyal ministers and acting alone, will ruin the beginning of laughter. If you don't do what you can and rely on others blindly, you will cut the suffering of the country. Ten, it is rude to say that the country is small, and there is no need to admonish the minister, so it is a peerless trend.
Say clock? King * * * of Chu and Duke Li of Jinxiang fought in Yanling before, and Chu was defeated, but King * * * hurt his eyes. At the time of fierce fighting, Sima Zhi was thirsty and wanted to drink wine, and Guyang entered the wine. The son replied, "Hey! , back, wine also. " Yang said, "It's not wine." The child drinks it instead of accepting it. And the son, who is also a man, is addicted to alcohol, but willing to do it. He can never finish talking, but he is drunk. After the war, * * * Wang wanted to fight, which was called Sima Zi's rebellion. Sima Zi's rebellion was based on heart disease.
The king drove away, entered his cave, smelled the wine and returned it. He said, "Today's fighting is not about getting hurt. Relying on Sima, Sima was so drunk that he was a country of Chu and ignored all of us. " No valley, no war. "So he went away, but he thought that killing Sima Zi was a massacre. Therefore, the wine of the vertical yang is not equal to the enemy, and loyalty and love are enough to kill it. So, if you go to Zhong, you are a loyal thief.
Xi said Gu Xiaoli? Former leader Jin Xiangong tried to cut off the enemy's way by pretending to be in danger. Xun said, "If you gain property by taking advantage of thorns, you will bribe people to seek false Tao, which will be false to my Tao." You said, "I am the treasure of my late father." I was a good horse when I gave in. "What would I do if I accepted the truth about my money?" Xun said to him, "If he doesn't cheat me, he won't accept me. If you accept me and pretend to be my way, you will still take the inner shed and hide the outer shed, and the horse will still take the inner shed and keep the outer shed. Don't be particularly good.
"Jun said," promise. "Is to let xun take the cliff of vertical spines, take the opportunity of loss of production, and make a false path. The foolish old man coveted his jade and horse and wanted to get it. Gong to remonstrate, "no way. There is a danger in a husband's life, just like a car. Auxiliary according to the car, the car is also auxiliary, and the situation of danger and Guo is also. If the Tao is false, the enemy will die and the danger will follow.
No, I hope not. "Danger, listen to, by the way, false. Xun attacked for three years, then led troops to fight and defeated Yu Ke. Xun led the horse to the wall and presented it to the people. He said, "The wall is still good. Although, the horse's teeth are getting longer and longer. "Therefore, almost all the soldiers of Yu Gong were cut down. Why? Love small profits without worrying about their harm. Therefore, if you care about small profits, you will be hindered by big profits.
Ten kinds of faults; The first kind is called loyalty, which harms the public. The second is called coveting small profits, which harms Italy. The third kind of behavior is deviant, self-righteous and rude to other vassal States, which is the most serious capital crime. The fourth way is to indulge in music instead of governing the country, which will lead you to the end. The fifth is greed, stubbornness and self-interest, which is the root of national subjugation. The sixth kind is called women's song and dance, and they don't care about national politics, which is the disaster of national subjugation.
The seventh way is to leave the imperial court and go to a distant place to play, without listening to the advice of the admonisher. This is a way to put yourself in danger. The eighth is that he is wrong but does not listen to the advice of loyal ministers, but goes his own way. This is the beginning of your losing your good reputation and being laughed at. Ninth, we should not do what we can, but rely on the governors outside, which is the scourge of weakening the country. The tenth is that primary schools are rude and don't listen to advice. This is what happens when offspring are cut off.
What is a clock? In the past, King Chu * * * and Jin Ligong fought in Yanling, and the Chu army failed, and King * * * hurt his eyes. When the fighting was fierce, Sima Zi of the Chu army wanted to drink water, and his servant Gu Yang brought him a bar of wine. The son retorted, "Hey! Go away, this is wine. " Gu Yang said, "Not wine." The child took it and drank it. Zifan, a drinker, found that wine was so sweet that he couldn't stop. As a result, he was drunk. After the war, * * * Wang wanted to fight again and sent for Sima Zi, who refused to go on the grounds of heart disease.
* * * Wang went by car himself, got into the account, smelled the alcohol and came back and said, "I was injured in World War I today." Relying on Sima, Sima was drunk like this. This is forgetting the gods of Chu and not caring about my people. I can't keep fighting. "So he withdrew the army from Yanling and executed Sima Zi. So Gu Yang, the servant, offered wine, not because he hated his son, but because he was loyal to his son and just killed him. Therefore, offering bells is the nemesis of righteousness.
What does it mean to covet small profits? In the past, Jin Xiangong wanted to use Yuzhou Road to crusade against Guo. Xun said to him, "You might as well take Baoyu and a good horse with thorns to bribe the monarch of Yuzhou and ask him to lend us a way." Jin Xiangong said, "Baoyu is the treasure of my ancestors, and a good horse is my good horse. What if he accepts my gift and doesn't lend it to the road? " Xun said to him, "If he doesn't borrow our way, he won't dare to accept our gifts.
If you accept our gift and lend us the road, then this Baoyu is like taking it out of the inner room and hiding it in the outer room, while that beautiful horse is like pulling it out of the inner stable and tying it to the outer stable. Don't worry. "Jin Jun said," all right. Let Gou bribe, ask for a good horse and take Baoyu out. "。 The foolish old man covets the petty profits of Baoyu and Ma Liang and decides to borrow the road. The palace remonstrated: "I can't promise. Danger is like a car with guards on both sides.
The wooden guard depends on the car, and the car depends on the wooden guard. This is the geographical situation of the two countries. If we lend them the road, Chao Guo will perish in the morning, and Yu State will perish at night. No, I hope you don't agree. "Yu Gong didn't listen, so he went to the State of Jin through the tunnel. Xun won the war against Guo, and three years later, he sent troops to attack Yu and defeated him.
Xun came back with a horse and a wall and said happily, "The wall is still the same. Even so, the horse is a few years old. " So, what caused the dangerous cutting? It is greedy for small profits without considering its harm. Therefore, coveting small profits is harmful to Italy.