The Original Text and Translation of Mencius and Li Lou

The original text and translation of the sentence Lou Zhang are as follows:

Mencius said in the original text: "It is wonderful to leave the building bright and lose the child. If you don't follow the rules, you can't circle; Shi Kuang's cleverness is not based on the six laws, let alone the five tones; Yao and Shun are not benevolent and cannot govern the world. Today's benevolent people will not be moved by them, and future generations will not be allowed to obey the law, and they will not go to Wang Zhidao first.

Therefore, it is not enough to be good, and the law cannot be self-sufficient. "Poetry" said: Don't forget, it will be led by Lao Zhang. Those who followed the laws of the former king failed to do so. The sage exhausted his eyesight and followed the rules, thinking that Fiona Fang was straight and invincible; Not only exhausted, but also follow the six methods and five tones.

Can't be used; I have exhausted my efforts, followed by the policy of forbearing others and covering the world with benevolence. Therefore, for those who are high, it must be due to hills, and for those who are low, it must be due to Kawasawa; Isn't it wise not to enter Wang Zhidao first? Therefore, the benevolent should be high. Being unkind and in a high position is to spread its evil to the public. There is no way to slap it up, and it is impossible to press it down.

Those who don't believe in channel, merit, gentleman's crime, minor's crime and country's survival are all lucky. Therefore, the battlements are endless, and there are not many soldiers, which is also a disaster for the country; It is harmful to the country if the fields are not cultivated and the goods are not gathered. Rude in class, not learning in class, thieves and people are happy, and there is no day to lose. "Poetry" says: "Heaven's side is full of liberation." There is still a lot to vent.

Things are meaningless, and there is no evidence to advance and retreat. Talking is not the first time to Wang Zhidao, and it will be superimposed. Therefore, I can't blame you for calling you a thief when you are respectful, and Chen Shan calls you respectful when you accept evil. "

Mencius said: "Even if Li Lou has a good eye and good skills, he can't draw squares and circles accurately without compasses and rulers;" Even with Shi Kuang's ability to distinguish sounds, it is impossible to correct five tones without six tones; Even if there is a theory of Yao and Shun, we can't govern the world well without benevolent government.

Although some rulers now have the heart and reputation of being benevolent, the people can't stand his kindness and can't be an example for future generations to follow. This is because he did not practice the benevolent policy of the previous generation of saints. Therefore, goodwill alone is not enough to govern politics; Only in a good way can good research be carried out by itself.

The Book of Songs says: "Don't be too high, don't forget, follow the original rules." I have never made a mistake because I followed the statutes of the previous generation of holy kings. The sage not only exhausted his eyesight, but also made square, round, flat and straight things with compasses, rulers, spirit level and rope ink, which were inexhaustible.

Saints not only exhaust their hearing, but also use six tones and five tones, and all kinds of scales are inexhaustible; Saints not only exhausted their brains, but also practiced a benevolent policy that could not bear others. Benevolence covered the whole world. Therefore, building a high platform must rely on the mountain; Digging deep pools must rely on ravines and swamps.

Is it wise not to rely on the method of the previous generation of holy kings to govern? Therefore, only the benevolent should dominate. If an unkind person occupies the dominant position, he will spread his evil deeds and morality to the people. There is no moral code in the world, and there is no legal system in the world.

The court does not believe in morality, craftsmen do not believe in standards, officials violate justice, and the people violate criminal law. At this rate, the country is really lucky to survive. Therefore, it is not a national disaster that the city walls are not strong and the weapons are insufficient; It is not the scourge of the country that the fields are not cultivated and the materials are not rich; If people at the top are impolite, people at the bottom are ill-bred.

More and more people break the law and discipline, and the country will soon perish. The Book of Songs says: "Heaven is in chaos. Don't talk too much. " Talking too much is procrastinating. It is procrastination and wordiness to serve the monarch without loyalty, to advance and retreat without courtesy, and to speak against the former sage Wang Zhidao.

Therefore, high standards require the king to be called "respect", give the king good ideas and block bad ideas as "respect", and think that his king can't be called "thief" in benevolent government.