Why did Voltaire admire Confucius? First of all, it is because most of the fields they study are the same. Some of Confucius' thoughts may not be acceptable to everyone at that time, because there is a gap between them and they can't really appreciate the greatness of Confucius' thoughts. However, after Voltaire learned about Confucius, he was deeply attracted by Confucius' thoughts, because Confucius' thoughts could bring him * * * sound. As a thinker, Voltaire can understand the essence of Confucius' thought, so Voltaire highly praised Confucius, mainly to make people better contact with Confucius' thought.
Confucius, as the representative of China Thought, was deeply loved by people in continental Europe at that time, and Voltaire was the representative. Confucius advocated benevolent governance and moral governance, mainly aimed at the government operation system. This idea is completely in line with the ideal operating system of Voltaire government. Even the monarchy, but also to eliminate the autocratic system. Voltaire's thought and Confucius' thought have a * * sound. Voltaire is very much in favor of China's government operation system, so Voltaire highly praised Confucius.