What do the English capital letters in the references mean?

The capital letters in the references are: document type identification.

File type identification: File type identification is a symbol indicating various types of reference files. When writing a paper, references must be identified by document type. According to GB 3469-83 "File Types and File Carrier Codes", common file types are identified with single letters, and electronic files are identified with double letters. Example: 1. Commonly used literature types are identified by a single letter:

M- Monographs (including works on history and chronicles in ancient books)


Newspaper articles

Journal articles

Doctoral dissertation

R- research report

S standard


A—— Precipitated documents in monographs and papers.

Z—— Other unspecified literature types

Two, with two letters as the identification of electronic file type:


computer program

Example of e B- electronic bulletin (see Resources): 1. Liu Zhongneng, Jin. Study on the Synthesis of 4- methylimidazole [J]. Fine Chemical Industry, 2002 (2):103-105 [J] indicates that the cited literature type is-Journal 2: Jiang Tingda. Skin lightening polysaccharide [M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 200 1: 127 [M] with references.

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