Confucius said, "A gentleman means justice, while a villain means profit." The Analects of Confucius
Dong Zhongshu famously said, "It is useless to take honesty as a friend (righteousness), and knowing its way is not its merit." Biography of Dong Zhongshu in Han Dynasty.
Zhu believes that "benevolence and righteousness are rooted in the inherent nature of the human heart, and justice is also natural." Li Xin was born in the contrast between things and me, and people want to be selfish. (Author: Zhu School, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1st Edition, Volume 39, May 1992)
In practice, Zhu advocated "not putting profit first" and "controlling profit with righteousness". "The sum of benefits and righteousness", and the cover of righteousness is also beneficial. (Author: Zhu Zhuzi School, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, first edition in May, 1992, Volume 9)
Confucius, Dong Zhongshu and Zhu are called the three great thinkers in ancient China. Confucius was the founder of Confucianism, Dong Zhongshu was a Confucian scholar (the representative of Confucianism in Han Dynasty) and Zhu was a philosopher (the representative of Confucianism in Northern Song Dynasty).