There is a mountain not far from their home, and the environment in the mountain is quiet and quiet. There are very few people except hunters who come here to hunt. Qu Yuan is studying at home. In winter, the brazier burns vigorously and the room is warm. Soon Qu Yuan felt sleepy. He remembered the story of scholars studying hard in ancient books, so he thought of studying in the cave behind his home, so that he could exercise his mind and read without taking a nap. After he told his family what he thought, he was unanimously opposed by his family. However, despite the obstruction of his family, Qu Yuan came to the mountains alone with books, found a back wind tunnel and began to study. The temperature in the mountains is already very low, and the caves are colder and wetter. Before long, Qu Yuan's hands and feet were swollen with cold. He stood up, stamped his feet and rubbed his hands. When he warmed up, he began to sit on the ground and read. The family thinks that Qu Yuan is so young and can bear hardships, so they don't want it. Qu Yuan persisted in the cave for three years and finally read the Book of Songs thoroughly. This also laid a solid literary foundation for his later creation of Chu Ci.
In fact, the experience of successful people at all times and all over the world is the same, that is, they are willing to endure hardships and work hard, and the efforts and sweat they put into doing one thing are far more than others. Qu Yuan's great achievements in politics and literature are closely related to his spirit of hard struggle, which is worth learning by modern people.
2. The story of Qu Yuan carrying rice on his back: There is a children's story about Qu Yuan helping an old woman when he was a child. Qu Yuan was very naughty when he was a child. He saw an old woman when he was playing by the roadside. The old woman is walking with a bag of rice on her back. Qu Yuan was kind-hearted and compassionate, so he sent his grandmother home with rice on his back.
It can be seen from this incident that Qu Yuan respects his elders very much and is kind at home. Although, the credibility of the story itself remains to be verified.
Qu Yuan and rice are predestined friends. The zongzi used to commemorate him is made of rice as well as rice. There is also a legend that he helped the villagers.
In times of drought, people's lives are miserable. Suddenly one day, a stone in front of Qu Yuan's house was full of food. People are very happy and think it is a gift from heaven. They called that stone "sacred stone". Qu Yuan's father is very strange. After a secret investigation, he found that everything was done by Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan couldn't bear to see that people didn't have enough to eat. People were hungry, so they took out food from home and secretly put it in a stone.
Qu Yuan's father thought his son was kind-hearted, but at the same time he told his son the truth of life. You can help people for a while, but not for a lifetime. If you really want to help them, then you should sit in a seat where you can speak for them, think of them everywhere and do things for them everywhere.
Qu Yuan was very moved after listening to his father's words. After that, he studied hard and finally became a doctor in Chu, doing a lot of good things for the people and being deeply loved by the people.