Eight years later, in the spring, Song Gong and Wei Hou met in Hangzhou. In March, Zheng Bo sent Wan to pay you back. Gengyin, I'm in the water. In the summer of June, I was born, and Cai Hou took an examination of his father. Xinhai, male pawn. In the autumn of July, Duke Song, Duke Qi and Duke Wei were in Wawu. In August, Cai was buried. In September, Xin Mao, Gong and Ju joined the League in Fulai. Moth. There is February in winter, and there is no terrible death.
In the spring of eight years, Qi Huangong made peace with Song and Wei and had a meeting. Song Gong invited him to meet first with money, but Xu did it, so he met the dog hill.
Zheng Bo demanded to release the worship of Mount Tai and Duke Zhou in exchange for Xu Tian. In March, Zheng Bo sent Wan back to your home instead of worshipping Mount Tai.
In summer, Duke Guo was jealous of his father, making him a scholar in the Zhou Dynasty.
On the first day of April, Zheng Gongzi suddenly became as rebellious as Chen. Xinhai, with the return. Jiayin, enter Zheng. Jin Chen's salty son sent his daughter. Match first, then ancestors. Jin Xianzi said, "It's not for couples. How can you have a baby if you falsely accuse your ancestors and behave badly? 」
Qi people died in defending Zheng. In autumn, it will be warm and allied to the tile house to release the battle of the East Gate.
In August, Bing Xu and Zheng Bo paid tribute to the king.
It is good that the public and the residents are unified in floating and become a discipline.
In winter, Qi Huangong sent envoys to the Three Kingdoms. Ministers said to each other, "Your interpretation of the map of the Three Kingdoms is beneficial to your people. I am a widowed gentleman, and I can't stand your virtue. 」
There is no terrible death. Feather father, please pay tribute to the family. The questioner is in public. Zhong Zhong said to the other party: "The son of heaven, Jiande, was born with a surname and a surname. The governors regarded this word as their divination because they thought it was a clan. If an official makes meritorious deeds, there must be an official, and so does the city. " Public life takes the world as an exhibition.
Extended reading:
1988 In the spring, Qi Huangong Xi prepared to make peace with Zheng Guo, and determined the date of alliance. Yi Song asked Weiguo for public funds, hoping to meet first. Wei agreed, so an informal meeting ceremony was held in Goushan.
Zheng Zhuanggong asked to avoid offering sacrifices to Mount Tai, and offered sacrifices to Duke Zhou in exchange for the land next to Mount Tai.
In the promised land. In March, Wan was sent to deliver water, saying that he would no longer offer sacrifices to Mount Tai. In summer, Guo Gongbi began to be an aristocratic scholar in Chengzhou. On the sixth day of April, Zheng Gongzi suddenly went to Chen State to marry his wife Gui, and came back with Gui on the 13th.
On the 16th, after Chen Zhenzi entered Zheng State, she was sent back to Zheng State. They got married first and then sued the ancestral temple. The needle said, "This is not a couple. It deceived his ancestors. It's impolite. How can children and grandchildren prosper? "
The people of Qi finally let Song and Wei make peace with Zheng. In autumn, meet Wendi and form an alliance with Wawu.
It is natural to abandon the old grievances of the East Gate War. One day in August, Zheng Zhuanggong took Qi people to make a pilgrimage to King Zhou Huan, which was in line with the ceremony. Yin Gong and Juzi formed an alliance in Fulai and made friends with Ji Guo. In winter, Zino sent someone to report the peace between Song, Wei and Zheng. Yin Hong sent loyal replied:
"The king made the three countries give up the enemy's plot and stabilized the people. It's all thanks to the king. After listening to this, how dare you not accept the wise and good deeds of your majesty! "
There was no terrible death, and Yu's father asked posthumous title and the clan for him. Yin Gong asked about Zhong Zhong clan. Zhong Zhong replied, "The son of heaven made sages princes, gave their surnames according to their place of origin, and gave them to their families in different places. The princes took the word posthumous title, and their descendants took it as their family name. If the first generation is an official and the next generation has made achievements, the official name can be used as the clan name. There are also feudal surnames. " Yin Gong ordered that the word "no fear" be used as the family name, and it was called Zhan's.