What color is cyan?

Cyan is a color between green and blue, that is, turquoise or blue-blue. The picture is as follows:

Cyan, the original meaning of ancient times is blue, but in painting color, if blue is mixed with a small amount of green, it is called cyan (one of the three primary colors of subtraction), which has multiple levels. According to the color sequence of the spectrum, cyan should be a color between green and blue, that is, cyan or cyan. Cyan is a color between green and blue in the visible spectrum, belonging to the high frequency band of visible light in electromagnetic waves, with a frequency of 600 ~ 620 Hz, which is somewhat similar to the color of lake water.

In the older generation, cyan was black. For example, "green purple robe" refers to the black clothes of ancient scholars. Green is between green and blue, but many words are easily mistaken for green, such as grass is green.

The collocation skills of cyan

1, cyan+black

Cyan looks very quiet and advanced, while black is a very versatile color in dark tones. When the two colors are matched, you can wear a very calm and advanced color, especially in some workplaces. If you choose the combination of these two colors, you can definitely wear a very advanced atmosphere. Simply using cyan and black to match can make your matching style very exquisite.

2, green+white

Blue is between green and blue, and its hue is deep, which may not be very friendly to some fairies with dark skin, so at this time, white and cyan can be used to make the overall hue richer and look generous.

Because white is a very pure color, it is also relatively low-key When matching, netizens must think clearly whether the overall dress style should be low-key or publicity-oriented. If you want to take some flamboyant style, use a large area of cyan. If you want to show a fresh literary style, choose white.