If you love your minister too much, you will be in danger; People and ministers are too expensive, and they must be transposed; If the master and concubine don't wait, there will be danger; If a brother refuses to accept it, there is danger; I heard that the king of a thousand riders is unprepared, and there will be a hundred riders on his side, pouring the country for the people; The king of a thousand riders is unprepared, and there must be a thousand riders around him. Therefore, I am addicted to interests, and the road is declining. Is the breadth of the weather, the harm of the son of heaven; The princes are too rich, and the princes are defeated. It is also outside the people who manage the prosperous family. Nothing is more expensive than body, status, the weight of the main force and the prosperity of the main force. These four beauties, without asking for anything else or inviting others, were obtained through discussion. So, if the owner can't use his wealth, he will eventually be outside. What this man knows is also true.
The death of the past week and Zhou's inferiority are all based on the broadness of each period; The state of Jin was also divided, and the capture of Qi was also based on the wealth of ministers. The same is true of the reason why Song killed Jun.. Therefore, it is better than the Yin and Zhou Dynasties and better than the Yan and Song Dynasties. Therefore, the Chu of Mingjun is also a minister, and he has done a good job. Therefore, there is no forgiveness and no punishment for death; Forgiving death and punishment is a threat. The country will be in danger and the country will be biased. Therefore, although I am rich, I must not take advantage of the city; Although the party is numerous, it is not allowed to be a soldier. Therefore, an old minister is not selfish in the country or in the army. His army may not lend money to his family privately. The reason why the wise monarch forbade him to do evil. Therefore, in the four directions, it is unforgivable not to carry Indiana Jones, not to preach truth, and to carry Indiana Jones. The wise monarch was unprepared, too.
If you are too close to your favorite, it will definitely endanger your health; The status of courtiers is too high, which will definitely replace the throne; Wives and concubines, regardless of rank, will inevitably harm their sons; If the monarch brothers refuse to obey, they will certainly endanger the country. It is said that the monarch of a small country has thousands of chariots unguarded, and there must be hundreds of chariot officials peeping, ready to seize his people and * his country; The monarch of a big country is unguarded. There must be a doctor of a big country watching, ready to seize his power and * his country. Therefore, when the vassal power expanded, the monarchy perished. Therefore, a powerful vassal is the scourge of the emperor; Too rich a minister is the failure of the monarch. Monarchs should be excluded from controlling monarchs so that the private sector can flourish. Of all things, nothing is more noble than a monarch, nothing is more respected than a throne, nothing is more powerful than a monarch, and nothing is more prosperous than a monarch. These four beautiful things can be obtained without the help of the outside world or others, and handled properly. Therefore, the ruler should bear in mind that the monarch cannot use his wealth and will eventually be excluded.
In the past, the demise of Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the decline of Zhou Dynasty were all due to the strength of governors. Jin Sanfen, Qi was usurped, all because ministers were too rich. The reasons why Yan and Song Chaochen killed Jun all belong to this category. Therefore, there is no one in the world who does not use this method. Therefore, the wise monarch guards his lieutenant, acts in full accordance with the law, and gives priority to prevention, so he does not pardon death row, criminals, and death row. Forgiving criminals is called losing power. The country will be in danger and the monarchy will collapse. Therefore, even if the minister has a large salary, he cannot establish his own power by virtue of the city; Even if there are many henchmen, you can't have private armed forces. Therefore, courtiers are not allowed to meet privately at home, private diplomacy is not allowed in the army, and private property is not allowed to be lent to private individuals without permission. This is the way that Mingjun used to ban evil. Therefore, ministers are not allowed to take many people when they go out, and they are not allowed to carry any weapons in the car; If you don't deliver urgent documents and carry weapons in the car, you will be sentenced to death and will never be pardoned. This is the method that Mingjun used to guard against accidents.