How to make crab stuffed oranges, how to make crab stuffed oranges

Crab Stuffed Orange


Main ingredients: 10 sweet oranges (about 1000g), 200g lake crab, 10g white chrysanthemum (dried) , 10 sheets of cellophane. Seasoning: 10 grams of rice vinegar, 3 grams of minced ginger, 15 grams of Xiangxue wine (Xiangxue wine: sweet, mellow, no peculiar smell), 8 grams of white sugar, 5 grams of refined salt, and 20 grams of sesame oil.


1. Wash the sweet oranges, stab the top with a triangular knife into a zigzag shape, uncover the lid, take out the orange flesh and juice, and keep the orange shell for later use.

2. Wash the crabs, place them in the cage and steam them over high heat for 5 minutes until cooked. Take them out, peel off the crab shells, and use a toothpick to pick out the crab meat.

3. Put 15 grams of sesame oil in the wok. When it is 70% hot, add minced ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in crab meat and stir-fry over low heat for 1 minute. Then pour in orange juice and orange meat. , add 10 grams of fragrant snow wine, 5 grams of rice vinegar, and white sugar, stir-fry until cooked, pour in the remaining sesame oil, take out of the pan, let cool, divide into sweet orange shells, and cover with orange lids.

4. Arrange the sweet oranges on a plate, add white chrysanthemum flowers and the remaining cedar wine and rice vinegar, wrap it in cellophane, put it in a basket and steam it over high heat for 10 minutes. When serving, remove the cellophane wrapper. Ready to eat.