Seeing two dogs playing, he and his master chased them under a tree, and the dogs disappeared. Zhu Ruzi immediately dug under the tree and dug a root. "It looks like a dog and is as hard as a stone." Zhu Ruzi's Wash and Eat suddenly turned into a flying fairy. It is also recorded in ancient books: "A passer-by saw a girl angrily beating the old man and asked him,' Who is this old man? "Why was he beaten?" The girl said, "Weng Naiwu's great-grandson refused to take medicine, so he was whipped. Passers-by were frightened and asked the girl's age? Answer: "372." It is a miracle to look like a young man at this age. He asked how to keep fit and what medicine to take. The girl replied:' There are only five kinds of medicines, namely Tianjing in spring, Lycium barbarum in summer, earthen bone in autumn, immortal staff in winter, also called Queen Mother's Staff. The fruits of the four seasons can make people live together with heaven and earth. ""Although the above is just a legend, it is not credible. However, it is certain that Lycium barbarum has high medicinal value.