The king of Chu has a thin waist, which comes from Mozi's loving heart. In the past, King Chu Ling was a gentleman with a thin waist, so all the ministers of King Chu Ling took meals as a festival, threatening to rest and help the wall.
Once upon a time, King Chu Ling liked men with thin waists, so a group of ministers in the DPRK dared not eat more, fearing that they would get fat and fall out of favor, so they ate a meal every day to control their waistlines. Hold your breath first, then tighten your belt and stand up against the wall. In the second year, all the civil and military officials in the Qing Dynasty were black and yellow.
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Character introduction:
King Chu Ling (? -529 BC), surnamed Mi, named Xiong, formerly known as Wei, the second son of the king of Chu, killed his nephew Chu Yong 'ao and stood on his own feet, that is, he became king and changed his surname to Qian. In 54 1 year BC, he established himself as the monarch of Chu, and was a famous luxurious monarch in the Spring and Autumn Period. In 53 1 year BC, Cai Ling was killed by King Chu Ling and Cai Guo was destroyed. In 530 BC, the army was sent around Xu to threaten Wu.
In 529 BC, the people of the State of Chu overthrew his rule, and the spirit king fled, and his followers left one after another, and finally hanged himself in the suburbs. The Elf King had two sons, Lu Xiong (Prince) and Beargguy, who were abandoned by Cai Gongxiong and died.
Baidu Encyclopedia-King Chu has a thin waist.