Original text
Shun was raised among the acreage, Fu Shuao was raised among the boards, Jiao Ge was raised among the fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was raised among the scholars, and Sun Shuao was raised among the sea. , Baili Xiju was in the market.
Therefore, when Heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to this person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions. , so being moved by one's mind and forbearance has been beneficial to what one cannot do.
People always make mistakes, and then they can change: trapped in the heart, balanced by worries, and then act; manifested in color, produced in sound, and then metaphor. Then he will be helpless at home, and he will be invincible against foreign patients, and the country will be permanently destroyed. Then he will know that he was born in sorrow and died in happiness.
Shun was appointed from the fields, and Fu It is said that he was promoted from the work of building the wall, Jiao Ke was promoted from the job of selling fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was promoted to the prime minister after being released from the prison officer, Sun Shuao was promoted from the sea to the imperial court, Baili Xi was promoted from the market to the prime minister.
Therefore, when God places a great responsibility on such a person, it must first make his heart suffer, make his muscles and bones tired, and make him endure Hunger causes his skin to become thin, makes him suffer from poverty, and makes what he does confusing and always unsatisfactory. Through these things, he can make his heart alert, make his character firm, and increase the talents he does not possess.
People often make mistakes before they can correct them; they are troubled and blocked in their hearts before they can make a difference; all these are reflected in their faces and expressed in their words, and then they are understood by others. In a country, if there is no one who adheres to the law, Ministers and wise men who assist the monarch often perish if there are no hostile countries and foreign troubles abroad. This can be seen that sorrow and trouble can make people survive, while ease and enjoyment can make people languid and die.