The prosperity of Yi is also the end of Yin, but what about your career? What about being king Wen and Zhou? Therefore, it is dangerous to resign. Those who are in danger make it flat, and those who are easy make it lean. Its road is great, and nothing is wasted. Fear begins and ends and must be blameless. This is called the easy way.
Hard work is the best in the world, and virtue is always easy to take risks. Fu Kun, the world is the best, and virtue is always simple. Those who can speak, study the worries of governors, decide the good or ill luck of the world and become the best in the world. Therefore, it is good to change the cloud. Like a thing, take something. Heaven and earth are positioned, and saints can become useful. People conspire, people and energy. Gossip is said with images and emotions. Living together is hard and soft, but good or bad is visible. Change is good for words, and good or bad luck is moved by feelings. Therefore, love and evil attack each other for good or ill, and the near and far take regret from each other, feeling false and interesting. All the feelings in the Book of Changes, if close to each other, will be intense, or hurt, regret, stingy. Betrayers are ashamed of their words, central skeptics don't know their words, lucky people are few, impetuous people are many, false accusations of good people wander, and those who are caught off guard are wronged.