Ancient fish farming without changing water

Ancient fish farming without changing water needed to ensure the sunshine in the fish tank.

In ancient times, science and technology were not very developed, and there was no equipment for raising fish, so the water quality could only be adjusted by sunlight. Sufficient sunlight can accelerate the growth of plants in the water, control the growth of plants through sunlight, and thus adjust the water quality environment in the tank.

In ancient times, live Daphnia was used to feed fish, which not only ensured adequate nutrition, but also did not cause too much pollution to water quality. The ancient fish culture did not change water, but the frequency of changing water was relatively low. Not only change the water, but also clean the impurities in the fish tank regularly.

In addition, the ancient method of raising fish mainly talked about raising goldfish in clay pots. If you have fish friends in your yard, you may wish to refer to the ancient methods of raising fish.

The difference between ancient fish culture and modern fish culture

1, different devices

There was no modern oxygen pump and filtration equipment in ancient fish farming, and the water quality was regulated by plants and organisms in fish tanks. Generally speaking, ancient fish farmers rarely changed water because a good ecosystem had been formed in their fish tanks. Modern fish farming will control the environment in the fish tank through filters and oxygen pumps. In order to keep it clean, water will be changed frequently.

2. The fish tank is different

Ancient fish farming generally used ceramic fish tanks, which were more breathable. Modern fish farming usually uses glass or ceramic fish tanks.