Two opposite feng shui pressures.
In feng shui, it is believed that if the house is "two doors facing each other, there must be a way out;" When two doors collide, there must be a fierce ",and the two doors are called opposite. Yangzhai is the intersection of yin and yang and five elements of gas field. Guanzi said: "If you are angry, you will be born; if you are not angry, you will die; if you are alive, you will be angry." The gate is the airport of Yangzhai. When two doors are opposite, the gas field will be unbalanced, and the powerful gas field will suck away the good luck on the opposite side. So the two doors are relatively unlucky. When the two houses are opposite, the main house will retreat; When two doors collide, the main family will be fierce. Whoever retreats is fierce, mainly depends on the rise and fall of the individual, just like playing cards. People with windfall or good fortune will win more and lose less at cards, while those without windfall or bad fortune will lose more and win less. This is all very particular.
The consequences of two doors facing each other
If two doors are opposite, the most common consequence is that one side will prosper and the other side will decline, especially when the doors of the two houses are different in size, the one with the big door will suck all the good luck of the other and cause the bad luck of the other. Two doors are relatively easy to cause disharmony between the two sides, and there may be more contradictions after a long time. Making money in harmony, if always tit for tat, is not good for both sides' wealth.
How to solve these two opposites?
The first way is to put a big blessing on the door, which can play a role in resolving the door rush. Especially things that are bad for your family, such as animal heads and mirrors, have a good effect; The second way is to put the Five Emperors Ming Mantra at home, which is the best feng shui product to make money and turn evil, and can effectively resolve two relatively unfavorable feng shui. If there are two opposite doors at home, you can put the Five Emperors mantra under the two doors and in the house respectively.