Why should Sikuquanshu be written by hand?
At that time, the workload in the process of compiling Sikuquanshu was very heavy. Its workload is mainly manifested in collecting, sorting, copying, modifying, and even tampering and burning. The correction you said was unnecessary, but the ruler felt it was necessary at that time, because he wanted to eliminate the unfavorable elements and even add some whitewash. He doesn't care much about keeping the original appearance. After writing, it's not that I don't want to print, but that the printing project is equally huge and the cost is unbearable. Therefore, eight kinds of Yi Wei, Han Guan's old instruments, Wei Jian and Di Fan were selected and engraved, and later 134 kinds were printed in wooden movable type, which is collectively called "The Book of the King James of Wuying Hall". Sikuquanshu was copied seven times. Of the seven books, Wen Yuan Pavilion, Wenzong Pavilion and Wen Hui Pavilion have all disappeared, and only Wen Yuan Pavilion, Jinwen Pavilion, Wenshui Pavilion and Wen Lan Pavilion have been handed down from generation to generation.