One day, Xiang Tuo met Confucius and said, "I heard that Mr. Kong is very knowledgeable, so I came to ask for advice." Confucius smiled and said, "Go ahead." Xiang Tuo bowed to Confucius and asked, "What water has no fish? What fire has no smoke? What tree has no leaves? What flower has no branches? " Confucius said, "That's a strange question you asked. There are fish in all rivers, lakes and oceans. No matter what firewood, lamp, candle, any fire has smoke; As for plants, trees cannot be formed without leaves; It is difficult to blossom without branches. " Xiang Tuo giggled, shook his head and said, "No.. There are no fish in well water, fireflies have no smoke, dead trees have no leaves, and snowflakes have no branches. " Confucius sighed: "The afterlife is terrible! I am willing to worship you as a teacher. "
From the story of Confucius learning from teachers, we should get two inspirations: first, knowledge is infinite; The second is to be good at observation, analysis and accumulation. If you only hold the existing knowledge and sit still without learning, you will be eliminated by society.