Original: Fu has been a good writer since ancient times, the title of Zhang in Han and Wei Dynasties, and was called the wonder of two kings at the end of Jin Dynasty. Wang Xizhi said: "Looking through all the famous works, Zhong and Zhang Xin are peerless, and the rest are not worth seeing." It can be said that Zhong and Xian did not, but, Xian inherited.
From ancient times to the present, people who are good at calligraphy have unparalleled works such as Zhang Zhi in the Han Dynasty and Zhong You in the Cao and Wei Dynasties of the Three Kingdoms. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi was exquisite. Wang Xizhi said, "I have studied the writings of famous writers recently. Zhong You and Zhang Zhizhen are excellent, and other people's works are not worth watching. " It can be said that after the death of Zhong You and Zhang Zhi, Wang and his son inherited the calligraphy tradition.
1 when: it should be. 2 resistance: equivalent. Reaction: reaction and parallelism, which is equivalent to saying.
3 or: Some people. 4 means: say. 5 pass: surpass.
6 Yan Xing: Same. 7 Pool full of ink: refers to the story of Zhang Zhi learning books. Jin Weiheng's Four-body Book Potential: "Whoever promotes agriculture and Zhang Boying can make perfect. Every family must write first, then practice; Learn books in Linchi, and the pool is exhausted. "
Me: This is not specifically aimed at the king. Originally the humble title of the ancient monarch and the self-styled title of the vassal's wife, Jin people used to call themselves widowers.
Addiction: hobby, concentration. 10 Xie: inferior, inferior.
1 1 push: recommend and point out someone's advantages. 12 mph: exceeded.
Test 13: deduction and research. 14 specialty: simple, unique and focused on one thing.
15 good at: good at (cháng), good at. 16 fruit: bear fruit and realize it. Regulation 17: Rules, Articles of Association and Standards
18: pick up, pick up. 19 shame: shame 20 means close, close.