What is respect? Master Yin Guang said: "Clean hands and clean cases, sincere respect as a Buddha's nurse, will bring you unlimited benefits." To read the classics, you should first wash your hands and gargle, clean up a few cases, sit up straight, put your hands together, and then open the classics with your thumb and two fingers to carefully protect the classics from pollution and damage. One is to keep the scripture fresh, the other is to keep the scripture intact, the third is to bless wisdom, and the fourth is to stay away from all mistakes.
What is disrespect? Master Yin Guang said: "If you are reckless, profane, opinionated and slander others, you will be guilty and suffer endless retribution." For example, put the classics on a few dirty books, or put them in the messy books in the world, or put them at the bottom, or on the bed, or put them in clothes, or read them with your nails, scratch your nails on the classics, or pick them up with your fingers, or lift your shoes with your fingers when you wear them, and then read them with your hands, or look at the classics and heart sutras, so that your hands are idle. Or coughing, sneezing, yawning without covering your mouth when reading the classics, or talking with people without covering their classics, laughing loudly, or sitting, sitting and lying, reading with your feet up, or reading the classics as a novel. The fifteen disrespectful classics mentioned above are endless in detail.
To pray for great virtue, you must think carefully when reading the scriptures. For the spiritual text of Sanzang's holy religion, it is important to respect or not.