The man of dross, the wife of dross, the friendship between the poor and the poor in ancient times, cannot be forgotten, and the wife of dross cannot leave the DPRK. It means that when you are rich, don't forget your good friends when you are poor. When you are poor, you don't have to leave your daughter-in-law who shares weal and woe. In ancient times, there were many names for daughter-in-law, and the classification was different. For example, the ancient emperors called their daughters-in-law Empress, Zitong, Concubine and so on.
Officials in the Qing Dynasty called daughter-in-law "madam", "taizuo", "respecting integrity" and "helping the wife". Scholars usually call their daughter-in-law miss. From the appellation, we can see that there was a remarkable hierarchy in ancient times, which also reflected the color of the times at that time.
In ancient times, there were other names for daughter-in-law: wife, wife, internal affairs, internal feedback, internal feedback, main feedback, internal dustpan broom, palace, internal room, weak room, indoor pot, internal pot, house, home, house, wife, original match, yuan wife, yuan match and so on.