In the first year of Chenghua (1465), General Yansui's government was able to catch up with and attack Hetao people, and the emperor issued a decree to reward them. Wang Fu thinks it is not appropriate to go to 700 miles, and he is worried that disputes will arise because he hopes to succeed unexpectedly. Please tell him by decree. The emperor thinks he is right. Be promoted to Shangshu.
Chen Jue was originally a painter. By the time of his death, nephew Chen asked to inherit 100 households. Wang Fu said: "It is the order of the first emperor to carry on the family line, but it is not a meritorious military service and should not be allowed." So stop it.
When children invaded the border, the emperor ordered Wang to return to Beijing to inspect Shaanxi border guards. From Yansui to Gansu, observing the terrain, he suggested: "Yansui starts from the bank of the Yellow River in the east and reaches Dingbianying in the west, lingering for more than 2,000 miles. All the risks are in the mainland, but there is no barrier outside, only relying on the dock to defend. But the army is stationed inside and the people live outside. Once the enemy entered the customs, the loyal subjects did not act, and the people were plundered. Coupled with the southwest to Qingyang, more than 500 miles apart, the bonfire can not be connected. The bandits came and people didn't know. Please move 19 fortresses such as Fugu and Xiangshui and put them in important places near the frontier. And from Anbianying to Qingyang, from Dingbianying to Zhou Huan, building a pier every twenty miles is 34 * *. Trenches and city walls are built with the terrain. In order to hear each other's voices quietly, it is easy to defend. " After the throne was presented, the emperor followed his advice.
Wang Fu was reassigned to the Ministry of Industry. Wang Fu strictly abides by laws and regulations, and his reputation exceeds that of the Ministry of War. At that time, China officials asked to build a cloister in the northwest of the imperial city, and Wang Fu proposed to postpone it. Gao Fei also said that disasters are frequent, so it is not appropriate for 10,000 people to do useless things. The emperor will not allow it. The officer in charge led Tengxiang Siwei and asked for a cotton coat and shoes and trousers. Wang Fujian refused, saying, "These things were originally made by the imperial court for the soldiers who went to war, so that they could leave today without bothering to sew them. The Beijing army supplies cloth and cotton for winter clothes every year. This is an established system. How can I change it? " In response to the death of French King Gershbar, China officially requested the construction of temples and towers. Wang Fu said: "All benevolent French kings only build towers, not temples. This system should not be created now. " So he just ordered the tower to be built, or sent 4 thousand soldiers to serve him.
Wang Fuxi likes to learn ancient books, abides by the rules of honesty and restraint, has no talent for dealing with people, is an official and knows everything, and has worked in the Ministry of Industry for 12 years. In the face of disaster, the admonition officer said that he was old and Wang Fu asked to retire. The emperor won't allow it. Two months later, the admonition officer impeached Wang Fu again. Then the emperor issued a decree ordering him to resign and go home. After his death, he was given Prince Taibao and Mi Hao Zhuang Jian.
2. Classical Chinese extended reading "trailing" answer original:
Zhuangzi was fishing in Pushui, and the king of Chu sent the doctor and the doctor to go first, saying, "I hope I am tired in China!" " Zhuangzi ignored the pole and said, "I heard that there was a turtle in Chu State, and it was 3,000 years old when it died. The king's towel is hidden in the temple. This turtle would rather die for a bone than drag its tail alive? "
The second doctor, Yu Yue, said, "I'd rather be born."
Zhuangzi said, "Yes! I will drag my tail in the painting. "
Zhuangzi is fishing in Puhe River. The king of Chu sent two doctors to invite him (as an official). (They say to Zhuangzi): "I want to burden your housework!" Zhuangzi didn't look back (at them) with the end of the fishing rod, saying, "I heard that there was a turtle in the State of Chu, which has been dead for 3,000 years. The king wrapped it in brocade, put it in a bamboo box and treasured it in the hall of the ancestral temple. This (god) turtle, (it is) would rather die than leave a bone for people to cherish, or would rather live and wag its tail in the mud? "
The two doctors said, "I'd rather wag my tail in the mud alive."
Zhuangzi said, "Please go back! I want to wag my tail in the mud. "
3. Wang Shouyi's translation of classical Chinese in junior high school and Wang Shouyi's answers to exercises.
In the early years of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty, there was a common man named Wang Shouyi who claimed to be from Zhong Nanshan. He often sells medicine with a big pot on his back. If someone asks him to buy medicine, he will surely get seriously ill and die. If he rushes to a person who is not sick and gives him medicine, the person will be seriously ill in ten days. There was a man named Liu Xin who lived in Luoyang for generations. His family is rich, but there is only one son. When my son came of age, he suddenly had a piece of meat on his forehead. Many times people were treated, but the meat could not be removed. I heard that there was such a Wang Shouyi, so he went to the door to pray himself. When he got home, he called his son out to show him. Wang Shouyi lit incense first, asked people to put wine, food and preserved fruit on it, just like a memorial ceremony, and then took out a pill from the medicine jar. Chew it with your mouth and spread it on the meat, which is also called a wine and meat feast. Soon, the meat was broken and a small snake was exposed and fell to the ground. It is about five inches long and colorful, and gradually grows to about ten feet long. Wang Shouyi drank all the wine at the party and shouted at the snake. The snake jumped into the air, only to see clouds and dew around, and the sky was dark. Wang Shouyi flew away happily on a snake, and I don't know where the left belly is. After dinner, he always likes to hold his belly and say, "The general doesn't accept the general, and the general doesn't accept the general." One day, he was in a good mood, not a little better, so he asked the people around him in the tone of Su Dongpo, "Do you know what's in my stomach?" As soon as this question came out, it was lively. Some people say that they are full of articles, some people say that they are full of knowledge, some people say that there are 100,000 armored soldiers in their bellies, and some people say that they have everything in their bellies. In short, I am afraid that flattery is not loud enough. But somehow, Zuo was struggling this time, indifferent to those compliments, and his head shook and shook. A small camp officer under the account used to be a cowherd in his hometown. With simple intuition, he said loudly, "The general's stomach is full of horseshoes." Zuo Tang Zong jumped up patting the table and praised him for being so right. This boy was promoted because of a punctual remark. Hunan dialect says that the grass eaten by cattle is called "horse tripping tendon" Zuo was born in the ancient calendar year. He belongs to the monkey, but his favorite is the cow. He likes that cows can travel long distances with heavy loads, so he does not hesitate to pretend to be an Altair. This is no joke. He specially chiseled a big pool in the back garden, and there was a stone man on each pillar, which looked like a cowherd and a weaver girl. In addition, he carved a lifelike Shi Niu and put it aside.
4. Hao Jingchun's translation of classical Chinese reading answers for reference:
Hao Jingchun, also known as Herman, is from Jiangdu. After passing the provincial examination, he was given instructions from Yancheng and was dismissed from his post and returned to his hometown because of his mistakes. He was appointed as the supervisor of manjuji, Ma Yuan, Shaanxi Province, and later transferred to Huangzhou, Zhao Mo, as the agent of Huang An County. Just three days after his arrival, the peasant rebels suddenly attacked the city. Jingchun and others held on for eight days and eight nights, and the rebels retreated.
In the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638), he was promoted to the magistrate of Fangxian County. Luo Rucai, the leader of the peasant uprising army, led the ninth battalion to ask Xiong Wencan to surrender. Wencan agreed to surrender, and you hesitated again. Jingchun came to the rebel barracks alone to persuade him, and formed an alliance with Confucian scholars and their companions Bai Gui and Hei Yunxiang. You just surrendered to Wen Shenjun, and all his battalions are stationed in Zhuxi Valley, Baokang, and you, Gui and Yun Xiang are stationed in the suburbs of Fangxian County. At that time, the walls of Yunyang counties were destroyed, and only Fangxian relied on Jingchun to appease them, which was generally defensible. However, during this period, residents are restless day and night. Jing Chun, Zhu Bangwen, the chief bookkeeper, and Yang Daoxuan, the garrison, were repairing fortifications while living in harmony with the rebel battalions.
In the 12th year of Chongzhen (1639), in May, Zhang Qibing attacked the Ming Dynasty and Gucheng, asking you to act together. Jing Chunzi and Hao Mingluan are still students and have the courage to be defeated by ten thousand people. He said to his father, "Fangxian County is the enemy's target, with only 200 tired and thin soldiers. How can the city hold? " He put on his armor and came to you, saying, "Didn't you read the oath you swore to my father when you burned incense?"? I hope you will be careful not to get into trouble with Zhang. "You made a false promise. Ming Luan knew that your promise was insincere. He and Dao Xuan came back to defend the city, and the striker sent by Zhong Xian had arrived at the door. Ming Luan and other rebel generals went to Tianlong and sent envoys to Xiong Wencan for help. They have been there fourteen times, but they haven't seen Wen Can.
Soon, the rebel brigade went to Fangxian County to offer loyal soldiers to play the white flag, while the talented team played the red flag. Suddenly the two armies met and besieged each other. Rebel generals Bai Gui and Black Yun Xiang shouted to the city: "Give our city and make sure nothing happens." Dedication made Zhang Dajing surrender. Jingchun cursed, reprimanded, defended and fought for five days and five nights in the city. The rebels suffered heavy losses. Zhong Xian's left foot was injured, and his beloved steed was also killed. Zhang Sanxi, the garrison commander, opened the north gate to let you into the city. The city was breached and Daoxuan died in street fighting. Dajing advised you to persuade Jingchun to surrender, but Jingchun refused. When he asked him where the treasure was, Jingchun snapped, "If there is treasure in the vault, you can't break the city!" The rebels killed a Canon of History and a garrison to intimidate him, but Jing Chun never gave in and was killed with his son Ming Luan. His servants Chen Yi and Zhu Bangwen are both dead. Hearing this, the imperial court granted Jing Chun the protection of Shao Qing, built a shrine for worship, and later gave Shao Qing in Taibu Temple.
5. Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng by river, by river. Zumin, the sixth generation, was Prince Taibao of the Later Zhou Dynasty. Father pool, princess Shang Zheng, official servant Qing. When I was twelve years old, I lived at my father's funeral because I was very filial. He rose to the palace on behalf of the emperor, let the princes and ministers learn from Wu Daxie and Xuan Tong, and led them to study for ten days. If you grow up, be a professor at home. Visit the school, Mrs. Evergreen.
DeZongLi, sheng cronies. Zhu Qiu rebelled. From the emperor to Fengtian, he invited himself to Beijing and said that the thieves wanted to overthrow him. The emperor strengthened his ambition and was sent away. Guo Chang, the right general, and Zhang Guangsheng, the left general, were personable and gentle, and issued secret orders. Chen's misfortune and luck are rebellious, and he is often ordered by imperial edicts. Zhu Jichang told him his plan, arrested Shenghe Changwai Prison, and died in the middle of the night when the wall was destroyed. The hair was broken into a pagoda, and when it returned to heaven, the emperor cried. I belong to the capital, which used to be a palace with a long history. Wu Tongxuan offended him and wrote a letter to deal with him. His brother stopped saying, "The son of heaven is angry and has no regrets!" Don't listen. The emperor understood that every three books, Xuan Tong had to be put to death.
Sheng Lei moved to the prison of Major General to protect chongling, seal Hedong County, and grant our time to Shannan West Road. Government soldiers begged Liu Pi to pay back the money, but they didn't knock on the city. Then he sent a letter to defend Zizhou. The sergeant was angry and threatened to change the army. Hearing this, he rushed into the foot soldiers and asked, "If we wait, what is success?" ? Those who are arrogant and disobedient will be punished. Sheng said, "since you know that you have offended the son of heaven, punish him. Why do you want future generations to punish him?" ? "Scholars are free from worship and migration. Be a general supervisor. Uighur was named Khan, saying, "I am rude and arrogant, and I believe in self-improvement." "If you can't do it, why should you serve China?" Khan, all the nobles were shocked and dumbfounded, and all fell into a ceremony. He is also a general of Sargingowei, and his title is male. He died at the age of 69. He was ordered to be hanged by the authorities and submitted to the prince for a little insurance.
Sheng Min argued, and the corporal gladly gave it. He just entered the DPRK from Xingyuan, but his contribution was not as good as imperial edict. In the imperial history, he was disintegrated by Cheng Lutan, and Xianzong made a fortune with his sages.
6. Zhang Wanhong's Fu Liang reading answer 1. Zhang wangong (? ~ 1207) Jin Chen Da. Good character. Today's Dong 'a people. Wan Gong has been enlightened since childhood and likes reading. In the second year of Jin Dynasty (1 157), he was a scholar, transferred to Xinzheng master book, and stayed in Ding You's post, except Feixian master book. In the fourth year of Dading (1 164), he served as the salt deputy envoy of Chen Lu in Tokyo and moved to Changshan. For a long time, Shangshu made up the history of the province. The transshipment department of Hebei West Road served as the provincial judge, Dali served as the provincial judge and consultant, and Shangshu served as the foreign minister. Wan Gong used Ming Min, and Jin Shizong appreciated him very much. Soon, he was transferred to assistant minister of punishments.
Zhang Wangong's word is good and auxiliary, and Dongping Donga people are also. Young people are smart and like reading. In the second year of Deng Zhenglong, he won the top prize and transferred to Xinzheng Book. Go with worry. Clothes, except Feixian book. In four years, he served as the salt deputy envoy of Chen Lu, Tokyo, and moved to Changshan. Tens of thousands of people went to the Jingmen Gate and ten thousand people wrote letters to show their love for the old people in the village. Everyone felt the same way, so the people in the city set up shrines according to it. The prime minister tasted it and said, "I will be yours from generation to generation." Russia awarded the card shark, applied Ming Min and Sejong Jiazhi, and called the courtier: "Zhang Wangong is also pure and straight." When Zhang Zong acceded to the throne, there was police in the north, so he ordered Chen Qing, the Oracle bone of the Tang Dynasty, to send his troops to attack it. Wan said, "The working people can't understand the answers in classical Chinese. Zhang Wangong is very helpful, and Dongping Donga people are also. Young people are smart and like reading. In the second year of Deng Zhenglong, he won the top prize and transferred to Xinzheng Book. The answer to reading classical Chinese is Zhang Wangong, whose name is Fu Liang, and Dong Ping Dong A Ren. Young people are smart and like reading. In the second year of Deng Zhenglong, he won the top prize and transferred to Xinzheng Book. . "A letter to the officials was sent to Shangshu Province, so they stopped fighting. Ming Chang two years, understand Daxing government affairs. Over the years, I will use my mother's old beggar to raise it, but I won't allow it. I will give it to my mother. Also, I asked whether the millet in Shandong and Hebei was expensive or cheap, and all the seedlings were planted this spring. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, a company suggested to build trenches from southwest and northwest along Taizhou, which is near the Yellow River, to prepare troops. Thirty thousand people served in the army, but they did not do it for many years. Yu Shitai said: "Spinning is razed to the ground by sandstorms, which is not conducive to resisting aggression and is futile." Because of the drought in the world, I asked what caused CCBA. Wan Gong replied in classical Chinese, "I have worked hard for the people for a long time, and I am afraid that I will hurt the peace. From the suggestion of Yushitai, I should stop it." The public word is good and auxiliary, and Dongping Donga people are also. Young people are smart and like reading. In the second year of Deng Zhenglong, he won the top prize and transferred to Xinzheng Book. The answer to reading the article in classical Chinese is Zhang Wangong, and Dongping Donge is also a local. Young people are smart and like reading. In the second year of Deng, he won a scholar. In the first year of Taihe, Zhang Lian invited the old man, forbade him to move Dr. Rong Lu, and gave his son Jinshi and. Next year, this chapter will begin. Later Shi Zhi. In the past six years, Nanbi fought in Shandong, which is an important place. He had to be comforted by the minister and specially appointed Jinan Prefecture and Shandong Road as envoys. The drought locust has been in Shandong for many years, and ten thousand people are worried about the people's hunger and theft, so they should be prepared for disaster relief. If the army is prosperous, the country will not need it. Wan Gong said that he would sell salt to Shandong Tourism Department, so Xiaomi could be exchanged. It is also said that the supervisor is responsible for the company to ban thieves. Everything comes from this. After begging for an official position, I agreed, got promoted, and still gave Ping Zhang half of the political affairs. Taihe seven years, you. Life depends on the story of traitors, cooking and burying answers in classical Chinese. Zhang Wangong is a good assistant, and Dongping Dong 'e is also a local. Young people are smart and like reading. In the second year of Deng Zhenglong, he won the top prize and transferred to Xinzheng Book.
Wan Gong is honest and clean, there are no miscellaneous guests at the door, and many cultural relics are cut. Shangpin and Sikong Xiang said that Akiyama's wishes will make a difference in the spring, and he is also concerned about how to change his face in silence and stop assisting the government for eight years.
7. Li Chongju, word code. Classical Chinese reading answer reference answer:
4.c (straight: pass "value", value)
5.c (1) means that Li Chongjie is exempt from punishment; 2 Zhou Zu is good at doing things; ⑤ Li Chongju adopted the policy of Huairou to appease the Li nationality)
6.d ("Leave your belongings in the cave") is wrong. I went to his cave to comfort him and left my money to his chief.
7.( 1) Shi Gong and I were greatly indebted to the later Han Dynasty, and together we tried our best to help the royal family. However, due to being framed by evil spirits, Shigong finally suffered a catastrophe, and I was saved from death. (Pay attention to the translation of "sacrifice", "return", "structure" and "suffering", and pay attention to the passive sentence pattern of "for ……………")
(2) Take the opportunity to write to the emperor: "Shangdang is my hometown. My father is still buried with grass. I hope I can escort the coffin back to Beijing. " Pay attention to the translation of "cause", "affection", "wish" and "love" and the judgment of sentence patterns.
Reference translation:
Li Chong is a member of Shangdang in Luzhou. When I was young, I was lonely and poor, and I did good deeds, which was pushed by the villagers. Han Zu set out in Jinyang and stationed in Shangdang. Stone was a pioneer school at that time. When he heard of his reputation for being loyal to the moment, he was called a pro-official. In the early years of Ganyou, Shi always led imperial soldiers to patrol the capital and often killed soldiers and civilians. The subordinates around him were afraid and slowly left him. Only Li Chongji served him more carefully. Zhao Hong survived when he was killed.
And has always had a good friendship, that is, after Emperor Wu ascended the throne, he visited relatives and found a moment of worship. He said to him, "Shi Gong and I were greatly indebted to the later Han Dynasty, and we tried our best to help the royal family together, but (because) we were framed by evil spirits, and Shi Gong finally suffered a great disaster, so I was saved from death." You are an old official of the historian. Please find the next of kin of his family for me. I want to express my sympathy to them. " Chong moment recommended his mother's younger brother Fu Shizhong. Chong Moment has been in charge of his family affairs and has collected all his property to Fu. Zhou Taizu praised him and used him in the Sejong army.
In the early Song Dynasty, Liu Yun rebelled and appointed Chong Moment to lead Longjie and Xiao Wu to shoot thousands of imperial soldiers in Heyang, and led the troops to attack Huiji, conquer Huiji and cut the enemy by 500. The former camp supervisor of New Jersey and Zhanan Line, together with Shi Shouxin, Gao Huaide and Luo Yangui, defeated Li Jun's troops in Nianzi Valley. Peter said ze, lu pacified, advance Zang whether into the city, in charge of shu library. I took the opportunity to write to the emperor: "Shangdang is my hometown. My father is still buried with grass. I hope I can escort the coffin back to Beijing. " The emperor agreed to his request and gave him a lot. Troops back to Beijing, was sentenced to the third division, Zhang Mei as a local official, and the court appointed Chong Moment as the right guard general.
In the early years of Kaibao, he followed the emperor to conquer Taiyuan. On the way back to the DPRK, the army class Committee respected the moment as the backyard. Stationed in Changshan, he contracted the disease. Mao sent a doctor to treat him and ordered him to take a cool car back to Beijing. Chong nodded and said, "This cool car belongs to the son of heaven. Let me take this car to speed up my death! " "Resolutely refused to is free.
In the summer of the second year of Taiping and Xingguo, the Yellow River was repeatedly breached, and it was ordered to take post horses from Shaanxi to Cang and Di to inspect the riverbanks. This autumn, he left Beijing as the governor of Yong, Gui, Xun, Bin, Heng and Qin. Soon, he was appointed as the governor of Qiong, Cliff, Xian and Wanzhou, and all his subordinate sergeants were afraid of him. Chong Moment took out all the gold and silk vessels worth millions and gave them to the sergeants before moving. At that time, Li thieves disturbed him and went to his cave to comfort him, presenting his property to all the leaders, and all Li people were grateful for his loyalty. After returning to North Korea, he was appointed as General Wei. Yongxi three years, was appointed to replace Song Taizu, was appointed as the right Jinwu street battle, the sixth army division. Duan died at the age of sixty-five. A letter for posthumous title, a letter for Qiu posthumous title.
8. Li's answer to reading classical Chinese (22) Li Baode
Li's government is very poor. He goes the same way and pushes money to help him every time. The public feels its significance and worships it as a brother. Looking for the first scholar, Li Sheng sent someone to serve the book diligently. He just thanked him and said nothing. The scholar was ashamed and said that he forgot the past, so he no longer heard from each other.
Ten years later, the public is the left phase, so he played the meaning of the previous week's shirt, and he is willing to award an official to repay his virtue. The imperial edict went straight to Zuotang. Mi robe, for the generals in the book kingdom, sent to CCBA. It is good for the public to catch up with the past. Xie said, "I never dare to forget the past." Fortunately, I was wronged and got what I wanted. "
Then the public will receive publicity to a great extent, which is beyond the reach of narrow-minded people.
[Note] ① Ceremony: describes sincere and profound friendship. ② Zhou T-shirt: Care and help. 3 handling: communication, communication. It means care and help here. (4) Fortunately, the emperor was wrong to send kindness and won the trust and reuse of the emperor. This is a sign of modesty. ⑤ Broad-minded: Broad-minded and long-sighted.
1. Explain the words added in the text.
(1) means to forget the past ()
(2) I dare not forget ()
2. Explain underlined sentences in the text in modern Chinese.
The national general of this book, send it to CCBA.
3. Why is Li's "courtesy" only a "thank you" after he entered the Jinshi?
4. What kind of person is Li?
Reference answer
1, (1) old friend, old friend (2) very
(Li) wrote to state officials and asked them to escort Li Sheng to his place.
3, because at that time can't use action to repay Li Sheng's kindness.
4. Kindness and magnanimity.
9. Chen Zhongju Li Xian Classical Chinese Reading Answer Original: Chen Zhongju's word is a scholar, his behavior is an example, he takes the lead in getting on the bus, and he has the ambition to clarify the world. When he arrived, he asked where Xu Ruzi was and wanted to have a look first. Lord Shu Bai: "The prince of the group of people enters the temple first." Chen Yue said: "The style of the King of Wu is like the face of a businessman, and the seat is not warm. My courtesy, why not! "
Chen Zhongju's speech is an example for scholars, and his behavior is the norm in the world.
When he took office as an official, he had the ambition to innovate politics. When he became the magistrate of Zhang Yu, he asked Xu Ruzi where he was as soon as he arrived. He had to go and see him first. The main book told me, "what everyone means is that I hope you will go to the official first." He said, "After Zhou Wuwang won the world, he didn't just sit back and wait. He first went to the residence of Saint Shang Rong to pay tribute. I respect saints and don't go into the bureaucracy. Why not? "
Chen Zhongju is a person who actively participates in the filial piety of the lower class, which is ignored by Chen Taishou.
10. Zhu Guoliang read the answer "face can be read" 1. Criticizing shortcomings is an important function of argumentative writing. After reading this article, what do you think is the reason why the author wrote this article?
A: Once some people have wealth status, their faces will show snobbery and give people a sense of arrogance. The author wrote this article to criticize such people.
2. What is the author's understanding of the meaning of "face"?
Answer: Face is background, face is identity, face is signal, face is symbol, face is self-esteem, face is glory and face is facade.
3. From what aspects does the article explain its own views?
A: Face is always the expression of mentality. You can read human feelings by looking at your face.
4. In the sixth paragraph. The author said: When someone has money, the problem comes. What does this question mean?
A: With the onset of jealousy, it is said that it is philistine and snobbish, which is obviously a copper smell and turbid powder.
At the end of the article, when talking about the equations listed by Mr. Lu Xun, he said: This is naturally meaningful. What do you think of this "profound meaning" after reading the article?
A: Some people, like animals, have no humanity, and their expressions can read their mentality and human feelings.
6. In literary works, many people have fickle faces, and their faces are a business card of human nature. Please name the one that impressed you the most and talk about its changes.
A: Ralph in The Chameleon and Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions.