Hairstyles of Han people have remained unchanged for thousands of years. Men always wear their hair on their heads after they are fifteen years old, and they will not wear it after they are twenty years old. This is called a crown ceremony. The Book of Filial Piety says, "Parents have physical problems and should not be lightly destroyed." Han men basically don't cut their hair when they grow up.
Confucius once said, "microtubules, I have long hair." The clothes of the ancients were all left-handed, the uncivilized barbarians were all left-handed, and the shroud worn by the dead was also left-handed. If a person wears left-handed clothes, he will definitely be considered a savage or mentally ill. Confucius divided Zuo Zuo and Pippi together, enough to see the importance of tying hair. In the early years, Chu people became racial symbols because they often liked to wear long hair, which was despised by all parties. When it comes to Chu people, it is "barbarism". However, "Man Jing" was not ashamed, but kept this phenomenon more or less.
In fact, it is not difficult to find the ancient clothing style. There are many ancient books, literary theories, paintings and calligraphy. Moreover, the ancients had strict regulations on tying hair, which was an important part of the traditional etiquette system in ancient China. For an adult, it is considered a challenge to the etiquette system to have hair or half hair, especially for women. Wearing hair means breaking with family or husband, which shows how important it is to tie hair in ancient times.