2 Annotate the terms of wind drum luck. This is one of the main names of the New Year. "Jacky Ji Da Lun" by Liu: "Discipline is also ... its wind drum." According to legend, the main gas in the year of Shen Yin was the wind drum, and the year of Shen Yin was the sky fire. The wind was in spring, and the wind and fire combined, so it was like the wind, hence the name.
The wind drum in the ancient book Neijing Medicine: [Volume 6] Five parties discuss the simple problem about the true collection of jade machines, and the oriental wood is also the place where everything begins to grow. Bing Wang said that the wind drum wood is glorious, and the wind wood is born. Zhang Zhicong said that Yin Mao should be angry with Mu Chun, while Ma Yi said. ...
Huangdi Neijing Annotation: [Volume 8] Chapter 71 on Six Yuan Ji Zheng Theory. Qi Bo said. So is Shen Yin's discipline. Shao Yangtai's jiao Jue Yin Ren Yin Ren Shen. Its wind drum. Its voice is confusing and embarrassing. It is becoming more and more powerful. His illness made him dizzy. Be frightened by fear ...
"Su Ling Festival Note": [Volume Six Wind Diseases] Shi Shui's feng shui is slight, and the yin is as hard as stone; If the veins of kidney and liver float together, the wind and wood will prevail and water will flood from the wind drum, so it is also a disease of geomantic omen. Kidney-covering is the root of yin and yang, which fundamentally strengthens the foundation. ...
The Complete Works of Ancient and Modern Medical Systems: [Volume 5: Luck Readable] Spring Festival travel rush is the main destination of four fields (the first). Renyin (the same as Tianfu) and Renshen (the same as Tianfu) carried wind drums, which turned sounds into chaos and opened them, and turned sounds into earthquakes, which made them dizzy and surprised. ...
Huangdi Neijing: [Volume 21] Article 71 of Jacky Ji Da Lun.