1. After the completion of the six kings, the four seas are one, the Shu Mountain is Wu, and Afang comes out. It was covered for more than three hundred miles and isolated from the sky. Lishan is built in the north and turns west, going straight to Xianyang. The two rivers flowed into the palace wall. Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to the pavilion; the waist of the corridor is unobstructed, and the eaves and teeth are high; everyone is holding on to the terrain and fighting each other. Panpan Yan, Huan Yan Yan, honeycomb water vortex, I don't know how many tens of millions of them have fallen. The long bridge is lying on the waves, what's the point? If you return to the Tao and walk in the sky, what will happen if you don’t fly? I am confused up and down, and I don’t know the west or the east. The singing stage is warm and the spring light is warm; the dance hall is cold and the wind and rain are miserable. Within a day, from one palace to another, the weather is not uniform.
There are white marble pillars standing at the four corners of the room, and the surrounding walls are all carved with white stone bricks. Orchids carved from gold bloom coquettishly among the white stones. The blue gauze curtain rippled in the wind. Cha Qinghen stood in this ten-meter-high building. If it weren't for the killer's unique calmness, he would have fainted long ago. Two words kept popping up in his mind: luxury.
The faint fragrance of sandalwood fills the surroundings. Dots of sunlight shine through the hollow carved windows. After a closer look, there is a soft wooden bed under me, decorated with exquisite carvings. She was extraordinary. She was wearing a brocade quilt. Turning sideways, she saw an ancient woman's boudoir. The guqin stood in the corner and the bronze mirror was placed on the wooden dressing table. The whole room was so fresh and comfortable.