Luo, from Da, is a descendant of Zhu Rong, the grandson of Emperor Zhuan Xu. Da is one of the earliest surnames in ancient China. According to Shuo Wen Tong Xun, Yan, Yi, Lu, Forced Yang, Yi and other surnames are all ancient surnames. Zhu Rong's name is Li, and he is a fire officer (in charge of civil affairs). Later generations thought that Vulcan's attack could melt the world, so they ordered Zhu Rong. Zhu Rong's descendants are divided into eight surnames: Ji, Dong Shi, Peng, Tu, Yi, Cao Shi, Zhen Shi and Mi. , known as Zhu Rong eight surnames in history books. In the Zhou Dynasty, some descendants were sealed in Yicheng (now Yicheng County, Hubei Province), which was called Luoguo. In 690 BC, Luo was destroyed by Chu, and Guo Yan was also located in the same place. Zhu Rong's descendants gradually moved south, first to Zhijiang (now in the south of Hubei Province, Zhijiang County along the Yangtze River), and then to Changsha, Hunan Province on weekends, so they took Luo as their surname.
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