Because no one is willing to give up, no one is willing to trade his life for his own. Wei Wuxian went to the mass grave with Wen Jia, and all the disasters began to get out of hand. He got into trouble gradually, and no one could save him. Besides, no one wants to stand by him. Many people wanted him to die, and he himself felt that there was nothing to miss in this world, so he killed Yin He and jumped off the cliff. Everyone thought he was dead. He died after 16. Moreover, after the death of others, no one is willing to give his life voluntarily, which is also witchcraft, and many children of famous immortals are unwilling to try it.
Because the success rate of this method is not 100%, and few people know it. Most children in the fairy family know how to give up, but they don't. We can't say that everyone is ignorant. It can only be said that this witchcraft is too long ago, and Nie Huaisang searched for ancient books for a long time before he successfully resurrected Wei Wuxian. So his efforts are also very much, and few people insist on doing one thing for such a long time. Not only that, the success rate is not particularly high, and naturally not many people pay attention.
Wei Wuxian can be resurrected. In fact, there are many lucky people. It can only be said that the name of the bodhi old zu in Yiling is really scary, and it can be regarded as a spectre. Mo Yuxuan can take the initiative to find him and hope that he can avenge himself.