What does it mean to make a funeral sacrifice for a living or for death?

It means: Confucius said: "When parents are alive, they should be treated according to the ceremony; After the death of parents, they should be buried and sacrificed according to the ceremony. "

Said by: The Analects of Confucius is a government.

Original text:

When Meng asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "No violation." His son Yu told him, "Ask me about filial piety, and I won't violate it." Fan Chi said, "What is it?" Confucius said, "People are born with courtesy; When you die, you will be buried and sacrificed. "


Meng asked what filial piety was, and Confucius said, "Filial piety means not breaking the ceremony." Later, Fan Chi chased Confucius, and Confucius told him: "Sun Meng asked me what filial piety is, and I replied that I should not violate the etiquette." Fan Chi said, "What do you mean by unbreakable ceremony?" Confucius said: "When parents are alive, they should follow the dress; After the death of parents, they should be buried and sacrificed according to the ceremony. "

Extended data

The core content of Confucius' political thought is "courtesy" and "benevolence". In the general plan of governing the country, he advocated "governing the country by virtue", which is the noblest way to govern the country. This strategy of governing the country is also called "rule by virtue" or "rule by courtesy".

This strategy applies morality and politeness to the people, tightens the hierarchy, and completely divides nobles and civilians into ruled and ruled. Broke the original important boundary between nobles and civilians.

Confucius lived in Lu, which had a deep tradition of patriarchal clan system in the Western Zhou Dynasty. At this time, the ruling power of the Zhou Dynasty had existed in name only, and there were constant struggles among governors, resulting in the social reality of "losing the king, abolishing etiquette and righteousness, losing political power, and being at home in the world". "No monarch, no minister, no father and no son" became the characteristic of that era.

The intensification of social contradictions has hindered the development of productive forces, and people's spirit and beliefs have also been destroyed as never before. These isomorphisms have become the historical origin and social conditions of Confucius' political thought, and "benevolence" and "courtesy" are the basic spirits of his political thought.