In the Analects of Confucius, the sentence that discusses the importance of ambition is

In The Analects of Confucius, there are two records of Confucius and his disciples talking about their ambitions. One is in Gongye Chang, Yan Yuan's discipline poem said, "Why do you have different opinions?" Lutz said, "I wish I had horses and chariots, light clothes and friends. I have no regrets." Yan Yuan said: "I hope that there is no good cut, and I will get it for nothing." Lutz said, "I want to hear about Zizi's ambition." Confucius said, "Old people are safe, friends believe, and young people are pregnant." . The other is in the senior box, sitting with Zeng, Zeng, Gong Xihua. Confucius said, "If one day I grow up, I can't do this. Ju went on to say: I don't know. If you know, why? " Lutz told him, "A country depends on the great powers thousands of times. With the help of teachers and tourists, it is hungry. Compared with three years, it can make you brave and know one side. " The master said, "What about asking?" He said: "You are sixty or seventy, you are fifty or sixty, and you ask for more happiness. Compared with three years, you can satisfy the people. If it is a ritual, it is a gentleman. " "Hong, what about you?" Right: "If you can't do it, you are willing to learn. If the ancestral hall is agreed, it will be a small matter. " "Point, what about you?" Drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum. They also say what they think. " He said: "Those who are in late spring, those who have finished wearing spring clothes, there are five or six champions, and there are six or seven teenagers, bathing in interpretation, dancing in the wind and singing back." The master sighed and said, "I have a point." When the third son came out, Zeng Hou said, "What's the word of the third son?" Confucius said, "It's already what people want." He said, "What's the reason, Master?" He said, "Serve the country with courtesy. If you don't let it, it is a reason. " "Just seek merit, not for state affairs." "Who is safe in sixty or seventy, like fifty or sixty, but not a state?" "Only red is not a state?" "Ancestral temple in conjunction with the governors, isn't it? Red is also small and can be big. "

These two paragraphs record everyone's ambition, and these sentences are all about ambition directly.