Confucius said: without words, it is not far away. In ancient China, where writing was inconvenient and communication was extremely underdeveloped, in order to effectively and conveniently transmit information, there were high requirements for the richness and easy memory of word meanings, and at the same time, the characters themselves were required to record rich information.
Secondly, further, classical Chinese is also the source and root of China local culture.
Since the Qin Dynasty, China has been a unified centralized country for most of the time, but the development of local culture has never been interrupted or stopped because of national reunification. On the contrary, China people have attracted more attention because of their tradition and respect for their ancestors.
3. Classical Chinese is an indispensable tool to study traditional affairs and the insurmountable development of Chinese.
In the development of Chinese, apart from the unification of the world trend and the emphasis on grammar and sentence structure, the traditional classical Chinese is irreplaceable in importance, artistry and practicality. In traditional affairs, most records are in classical Chinese, even highly independent mathematics, not to mention the developed philosophy, literature, history and medicine in ancient China, which are the carriers and deductive objects of classical Chinese.