2. Imperial Sacrifice: Sacrificing to heaven, also known as sacrificing to the suburbs of heaven, is a grand ceremony for emperors to sacrifice to gods, and it is also the most grand and grand activity in the imperial sacrifice ceremony.
3. Fasting: There are three kinds: fasting, fasting and fasting. During fasting, the emperor and all other civil and military officials attending the ceremony must bathe and change clothes, abstain from lust, drink no wine, eat no meat, and stay away from women, which is used to show their piety to heaven.
4. Furnishing: the requirements for furnishings are more stringent when offering sacrifices to heaven, mainly including the order of things to be done, the location of things, the location outside the door, the location of sacrificial utensils, and the location of gods. Strictly abide by the rules, which also has a far-reaching impact on our life today, such as the general fish and other dishes will be placed in the middle.
5. Address: courtiers speak to their superiors, usually humble ministers and ministers, junior ministers or humble positions. The handmaiden replied to the boss: from the dynasty, the answer was yes, and after the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, it was submission (excluding the Qing Dynasty). The Qing dynasty naturally answered with the language Zha. There is also the idea of handmaiden to herself: there are generally handmaiden, subordinate and humble handmaiden.
Extended data:
China ancient court etiquette:
1, Life: No one is short and no one is long. Don't tell anyone about your family. Mouth is the door of misfortune, so it will take some time to think about it. When you see a frustrated person, don't say smug words; Don't say sad things when you are old. Shallow friendship can't be said to be profound, and broken friendship can't produce bad sounds. No insults, no jokes. When meeting disabled people, you must be especially respectful. Don't take advantage of the hawker coolies.
2, dinner: the seats are orderly, and the seats must be given to the elderly. After sitting down, don't cross your arms or stretch your feet. The Lord first raised his glass to the guest, and the guest thanked him. The host cooks by himself, so be sure to thank the host before eating. After the host makes a toast, the guests must reciprocate. If you lift the spoon, please lift it together. If you use chopsticks to pick up food, you will only stand aside and not stand up.
3. Receiving guests: Say hello first, say hello to the familiar, and say your last name and address to the stranger. The door goes first, opening and closing the door for the guests. Every door must let the guests go first. The entrance must be a seat for guests.
Baidu Encyclopedia: Palace